Monday, January 30, 2012

Steven desires more challenging roles

On many different occasions besides the two stated below, Steven had reiterated his wish to portray different characters from his usual upright protagonists that he has been pigeon holed into. So in this new year, hope Steven will encounter challenging roles that showcase his acting chops and make his shine.

excerpted from WilliamWangKH @ youtube

weibo entry 2/17/2011
......Actually, I do not choose to portray only the righteous protagonists, sometimes, tired of it too! More specifically, the righteous protagonists are actually more difficult to portray! After all these years, I’m still not tired? Fibbing you la! But anyway, I’m willing to experiment. You all like? Then I’m willing!....

News 2009:Desire to act a villain
“I have tried a lot of different characters. But I really want to act as a villain, a vivid villain. It’s very difficult to act as villain.

difficult to laugh or cry intensely
There’s one quota Mazai reserved for himself: “I want to be the antagonist for once. The kind that viewers like and not hate; that’s what I hope for. I’m always portraying the good guy; a constantly good person will bore people.”

yahoo blog CNY
As an actor, even though I’m still far from being veteran, but these 10 years or so acting experiences have taught me how an actor must continue to strive for self-improvement through challenges and changes. If I continue to persist on portraying similar ‘good’ characters, maybe my supporters will like them, but truth be told, I believe not only a huge portion of the viewers will be tired of this sameness, so would I. 

People have to grow up; actors too need to grow. Acting is an art. 

news mag 2007 
TVseries mag: You’ve been in many shows, most of them as protagonist. But in the past, many TVB male leads have acted as antagonists leaving deep impression to the viewers. Have you thought about taking the role of an antagonist?

S: I’ve often requested the company to cast me as a villain. But…. There are different types of villains. Some people seem to be born evil. (smile) This kind is pointless. I want to portray a person with a story. There must be reasons behind his turning evil, unless he’s psychotic. Actually, I would like to take on the role of a psychotic killer, or something similar; like he would randomly kill anybody he sees but when he sees a child, he stops. The kind of character that will arouse people’s curiosity as to his motive. Actually, it is always been this way: even the most evil person has his/her good side, likewise, a good person has his/her dark side. Anyway, I hope I’ll have an opportunity to take up different roles.

news report 2007
During his interview, Steven, who will replace Moses in an upcoming period drama, Gentle Crackdown 2, disclosed that if given the chance to choose his own character role, he would love to portray a schizophrenic or someone suffering depression. “Nowadays, there are many people afflicted with mental illness. I, myself, have many friends who are depressed or have had suffered depression. No matter how advanced the medical technology may be today, there is no device that can yet probe into mental patients’ minds to study their thoughts. So, if such a role comes up, I would love the challenge of playing this kind of character. He said the role may greatly affect his moods; but nonetheless, he is still very keen to take up this challenge.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, everybody

 1/29 00:21 Finished playing night badminton, went to have hotpot, awesome! Wish everybody happy birthday. 打完夜波,去吃火鍋,正!祝大家生日快樂![蛋糕][爱你]

According to Chinese legend, Nu Wa created the world in 7 days. First day of lunar new year, she created chicken, 2nd day dogs, 3rd day pigs, 4th day goats,5th day cows, 6th day horses, and 7th day humans. So the 7th day of new year is the birthday for humans. So happy birthday, everybody.

Ghost Writer- ng scene and behind-the-scenes

eta Apr 15, 2012

 piggyback scene
click link for HD quality

click link for HD quality

Mala's rehearsing their scene before the actual take, and the subsequent ng takes. Hilarious!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

weibo 1/26 - hotpot gathering

Day 4 of New Year, at home getting ready a hotpot gathering with friends, picked the choicest ingredients to accompany white radish fish stock soup. Everything is ready, just missing...the friends! Hahahaha!

One pen Ma - work during holidays

Clear Newspaper 1/26 2012
One Pen Ma
Steven Ma

Work during holidays 

The Dragon year is here; first of all, wish everybody a most prosperous dragon year, good health, peace, and success.

Day 4 of the new year, generally, the day most workers resume work. Of course, it’s not the same for all occupations, like the entertainment world, its work days and holidays are often different from the public. The job of the entertainment world is to produce entertainment for the public, therefore, when people stayed home to have happy and celebratory reunions with relatives and friends, many fellow colleagues including cast and crew, are actually silently working; this all part of the job’s responsibility, and also a kind of giving.

Besides the entertainment world, actually there are also other occupations that have people servicing the public during the festive and joyous holidays such as the police, the firemen, the medical world, and the food catering and restaurant industry, and also the public transportation, the building supervisors, and all those serving food and drinks.

Of course, we can say every occupation has its own responsibility, and that if you’re paid then you must work for it, but emotionally, towards these people who have to work during the holidays, I harbor within me a sense of gratitude; and my respect for public employees goes up a notch!

A new year, besides wishing peace on earth, no natural and manmade disasters, also wish we all will cherish our blessing and fate, do take everything around us for granted.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Farewell notice

1/25 21:18 3rd day of CNY. A sudden stirring of emotion; but, very happy, these past 18 years, a place that will always be my maternal home, my alma mater forever; a place that has nurtured me and taken care of me during my maturation in the entertainment circle, where many people love me, and many more I love. Fate emerged, fate extinguished; fate ends, fate begins; can’t clarify, can’t fathom. Gratitude, deeply ingrained in memory; feeling, remember with affection. Termination does not mean ‘severed’; leaving does not mean ‘the end’. As long as feeling still exists, everything will still be beautiful. As long as fate has not dissipated, everything will still be fine. Wishing all those who are fond of me and those I am fond of, and the decent and righteous, peace, good health and happiness.

Once again Steven writes without the use of punctuation, below is my own interpretation of his entry with my own insertion of punctuation. 5555! Feel so sad as I translate Steven's farewell entry in his weibo. Notice Steven did not specifically say TVB but called it a place - tvb is more than just a tangible workplace of management and employees; it is also an intangible place that witnesses the passage of time and youth, of past energy and present energy, a dream maker and breaker machine, of history etc. 

Since people tend to be more generous and gracious in good times, it is during adversities and life disappointments that we see the true mettle of a person. Steven shows his fortitude and grace when he chooses to count his blessings than his grievances, to reminiscent with affection than with regrets, to take away the good with him leaving behind the bad, and of course, rises about it all taking the high road to a better tomorrow. 走的瀟灑+灑脫

---- more -- Chinese

weibo 1/25 - majong

1/25 16:36 I'm the kind of person who only play majong during the CNY with relatives and friends. Aside, my lady lucky was so good. "(sek) Wu" many times, and even got a self gotten an 8th 'sok'.  Haha! So happy! [哈哈] 3rd day of CNY, wish everybody all kinds of good luck, immediately 'sek wu' (tn:majong), but most important good health and peace! Gong hei, gong hei! [哈哈][干杯]


Monday, January 23, 2012


One Pen Ma essay translations updated
see: one pen ma thread

power abuse
split second
Ma in Hengdian

Gong Hei Fatt Choi!

1/22 12:38  1st day of new year - wishing everybody a lucky dragon year, good health, peace, wealth and prosperity. Haha! [哈哈][哈哈][哈哈] P.S. My prepared ready cache of red packets, who wants?[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]

Tsui y/y

 Steven giving out ang pows to recipients as good luck packet for going back to work. Steven is such a generous person.
P.S. I thought only married people need give out ang pows, isn't it?  Steven's custom designed red packets?

Happy Chinese New Year to all!  Wishing all good health, peace, wealth, and prosperity for the year! Gong Hei Fatt Choi!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

1/22 22:27 After finished eating the CNY family reunion dinner, the first day of CNY is almost upon us.  Here's sincerely wishing everybody,  a vigorous spirit that of dragon and horse, a smooth sailing success, a lead horse victory, like horse like dragon. Gong hei, gong hei

吃過團年飯,年初一快來臨,在此衷心祝願大家~龍馬精神 馬到功成 一馬當先 如馬如龍 恭喜恭喜

TN: Here's Steven and Liza Wang's duet in  TVB 2011 CNY celebration special program. Enjoy! 
Happy Chinese New Year to everybody! Wishing everybody prosperity, good health, and a smooth sailing 2012! 

2011 CNY duet 欢乐年年 by Steven and Liza Wang

Saturday, January 21, 2012

weibo 12/20

1/21 12:41 After watching Mr. Kung's interview, I felt very helpless! Progenies of the Han people (Chinese) are spread all over the world, Shanghai people? Beijing people? Hong Kong people? They are only regional divisions. Such pronouncement (Mr. Kung's) is over the top. The problem came up  so the immediate solution is on how to resolve the problem, why magnify it and intensify the differences? History should not be forgotten but responsibility should not be arbitrarily placed either. The cultural differences are not to compare high or low but to mutually learn from each other.  If evil thoughts are not in the heart then there will be no existence of diameter.  (line of separation (?)) Self-improvement is the right path to go! Mutual sharing!

看完孔先生的訪問深感無奈!炎黃子孫遍全球,上海人?北京人?香港人?只是地區人稱之分矣。問題出現,如何解決平息才是前題,何苦再把 其放大,把分歧深化?歷史不能忘,但責任也不能亂套。文化差異不是要分高低,是求互學互授。心中不存惡念,那就沒徑呈現。身教才是正道,共勉之!

tn: There was this subway incident in Hong Kong whereby a Hong Kong passenger berated this mother and child tourists from Mainland for eating etc inside the train, whereby harsh words were exchanged between the two parties.  And their argument was recorded by some onlooker and of course posted online. Mainlanders took offense at what the HK person said: "Mainlanders are like this."  I have not watched the video myself just read what the fans posted on Steven weibo regarding this incident. Don't know who this Mr. Kung is either but his profession is a Beijing University professor and the descendant of Confucius.  He said in the interview that all Hong Kong people are dogs and that Chinese who do not learn to speak Mandarin are all wang ba dang, which truly enraged Steven and Hong Kong people. But Professor Kung later clarified in another interview that he did not call all Hong Kong people "dogs" just some of them are 'dogs' like how 'dogs' are existed in other nationalities and races. Detractors are appalled that such crude, denigrating words  came out from a professor of an elite university.  What kind of students would come out of such a teacher?

Many Hong Kong celebrities responded to Mr. Kung's choice of words, including Steven of course. Netizens praised Steven for his reconciling and reasonable post.

with English translation on Kung's interview-- youtube
the subway incident

Happy 29th day of the CNY

1/21 21:32 Tomorrow 29th day is the day for family reunion dinner. Sincerely wishing no more grievances and anger, have only happy laughter.  Originally of the same root, so why this eager scheming (among brothers) (本是同根生,相煎何太急) * Wishing all brothers and sisters living under the same sky, on the same yellow earth (China) and with similar genetic makeup peace, health and happiness!

*(1st two verse from Cao Zhi's famous 7 step-poem - WTLB)


Cancellation of US concerts

Readers, please understand the below opinion and speculation written in the small world of my own blog are all mine, nobody else's. Please DO NOT repost it elsewhere.  Thank you!

Updated: My speculation
I bet you, Steven thinking that he would be released from TVB by at the latest by mid January had probably personally negotiated for the US concerts, but TVB not only did not release him by then but also did not permit him to perform the US concerts either, because as a TVB artist there would of course be a management cut not previously included in the shows' contract.

Steven Ma's concert in Pechanga 1/22 has been confirmed canceled and that of San Francisco 1/21 concert, too. Feel so bad for Steven and the ticket holders who must be so disappointed now. 

I left a phone message for Jade Entertainment (LA) and a man returned my call.

He said that the reason given to them was because of Steven's filming schedule conflict. I asked if the cancellation was due to ticket sales, he said definitely not. Ticket sales did well. (I browsed the sales of tickets on 1/19 and the sales was like great. $118 & $78 seatings were almost sold out.)  He said they (TVB) did not go into details, just that Steven is filming a series so couldn't make it. What bs! The whole LOYEF troupe is given a 10 day break, so Steven has no schedule conflict at all. TVB is just being vindictive to Steven! URGH!

My guess is that TVB used that concert events as a carrot and stick bargaining chip in their contract negotiation but Steven did not budge hence this last minute cancellation of his concerts. Just this Friday Steven's partner, Shiny Liu, happily fb that she had arrived at the hotel yesterday getting ready for the concert that now would never happened for SM fans. Just literally a last minute pull out. F

But the man also said that they would try to open another concert with Steven in May.

ETA: From 1brandon @ sm -- "It 's funny that the pechanga people said Steven hurt himself in China . That's why the show is canceled."

Steven's Pechanga concert CA. --- Canceled

Unlike his tvb colleagues, Steven always performed solo in out of town assignments. Wonder why? Does it mean Steven by himself was enough to hold the stage or that TVB just could not be bothered to partner him with another star?

January 22, 2012 • 5PM Location: Pechanga Theater
Prices: $118, $98, $78, $58
Purchase Tickets From (626) 786-2008,
45000 Pechanga Parkway, Temecula CA 92592 | For more information, call 1.877.711.2WIN

Wow! Flying all the way just for 1 stage performance is so exhausting.

Perchanga Resort and Casino Hotel Event

Friday, January 20, 2012

Steven Ma will always regard TVB as his maternal home.

Steven's weibo response to this news: 1月21日 11:18 Not that $¥ is not important but that I place more importance on the script! Happy Day 28th! (countdown to NY)

For the past few months, Steven Ma has been busy filming in Hengdian an epic historical drama, Legend of Yuan Empire Founder, until mid January when he returns to Hong Kong for a short break. (tn: LOYEF troupe is on break for 10 days.) He will resume work in Hengdian after the Chinese New Year. Steven expresses that he had never experienced working for month’s end in mainland. He says laughingly: “My Mandarin has become more fluent. The biggest gain is getting to know a group of artiste friends. We all get along very well.”

It is rumored that Steven went back to Hong Kong to discuss his contract situation. On this, Steven responds: "No matter what, TVB will always be my maternal home. I have deep feeling for this maternal home of mine." He admits he has spoken with many companies about different ways of collaboration. And has received a news script for movie but he is not in a hurry to decide his future as yet. “Will take it slowly. Picking a good script is to me the most important thing.” He candidly says that the fees from the mainland production companies are extremely attractive. When asked if he had earned much RMB this year? He says forthrightly: “In any case, this year will celebrate a fat year lo!” Steven also wishes everybody a prosperous Dragon Year.

tn: Steven's US fees will certainly fatten his CNY.


Steven Ma and TVB terminated their master-servant relationship. His early contract termination in March will return his freedom to him. Earlier, Steven went back to Hong Kong to take care of his contract situation and to rest. He has been shooting the historical series, Legend of the Yuan Empire Founder for several months now. He will return to work after the Spring Festival holidays. When asked how his contract situation is with TVB? Steven says: "No matter what, TVB will always be my maternal home. I have deep feeling for this maternal home of mine."

Earlier, TVB executive, Virginia Lok, confirmed that Steven had indeed requested to be released from his contract that was to expire in May, and that his request has now been approved by TVB. However, yesterday Steven still avoided discussing the contract termination issue, and told the reporter to defer to Ms. Lok's statement. He was reticent on the subject of both his contract situation and his breakup with girlfriend. He said he has adjusted well to working in mainland for several months on end. And that his Mandarin has become more fluent. He is filming a mainland series to earn money with high fees. Steven admits that this year will celebrate a fat new year.

source: Mingpao

Tn: Compare Steven's insistence TVB as maternal home to Ms. Lok's eager confirmation of Steven's contract termination in March. I think Steven still hopes to sign a per series contract. Nothing is set in stone until the paper is legally signed.

(TN: Some LOYEF's cast members weibo they were given a 10-day holiday break.) 

One Pen Ma -- Reunion

Source: Clear Newspaper
Date: 1/19/2012
Column: One Pen Ma
Writer: Steven Ma

Reunion - 「團聚」
During Spring Festival(CNY),some Hong Kong people may choose to vacation outside town, others choose to spend the holidays in Hong Kong. I have always place great importance on the Chinese festivals especially Winter Solstice  and Spring Festival. If can, (I)would remain in Hong Kong for family reunion.

Chinese people celebrating Chinese festivals is usually all about family getting together, even if it is just for a simple home cooked meal, because what is eaten is actually the feel, the affection that can only be felt within family! Family reuniting, mutually affirming own safety; that warmth is more moving and delicious than expensive delicacies.

Festivals often brought on homesickness for people away from home. In Hong Kong, this small size space, to meet with family is relatively easy, but of course, excepting those who have migrated elsewhere. But in the mainland, (people) wanting to go back to their hometowns to celebrate the festival with family is truly easier said than done!

Many people because of livelihood have to leave home to work. If want to go home? Air ticket, mass transit ticket, want to book or buy? Easier said than done!

Some friends because they could not get air tickets have to detour to Shenzhen and then drive 10 or so hours to get home; some have numerous plane transits, train transits, and on top of that, take a bus; some are still on wait list, hoping to get a ticket.

Spring Festival is almost here, besides wishing in advance everybody peace and good health, more so wishing all friends who wish to return home can successfully accomplish that and be reunited with family!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

One Pen Ma -- Power Abuse

Clear Newspaper 1/19 2012
One Pen Ma column
Steven Ma

Power Abuse 濫權
A famous shop (tn: in HK) forbidding only Hong Kong people from taking pictures has caused quite an uproar. I only knew of it through the news as I was not there at the time the incident happened, therefore, I will not comment on it. However, I feel it is worthwhile to examine into the deeper layer of this incident.

Power abuse, a mistake that is easily made by humans; in its more serious form, it can be a crime/sin. No exaggeration there, whether a mistake or a crime/sin, will have to view from the person of power’s position. For example, a homemaker’s excessive power, she can control the daily food and beverage consumption of her husband and children. They have no power to choose, is this mistake a crime/sin? It’s neither, it’s a blessing! Because I believe all mothers will use their excessive power to choose the healthiest and the best ingredients to cook dishes from their heart to feed their families.

Then, what if the people with excessive power are the supervisors, creditors? Or the government, or government officials? Or wealthy businessmen whose influences are even greater than the government, big conglomerates? Then, as an insignificant common citizen, what to do then?

Report! At this time, reporting will expose the face of ugliness. Of course, not just talking about this photo taking prohibition incident. I hope the media will continue to use its strength to expose evil deeds, to fight for fairness and justice on behalf of society and people!

CNY Festival Holidays for LTYEF

Legend of Yuan Empire Founder cast and crew are given 10 days off work.  Wow! Management so generous. No wonder Steven can have concerts in the US.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Steven rehearsal opera

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Steven's TVB Contract to end in March 2012

Virginia Lok confirms that Steven's contract that was originally to end in May will now end in March.

TVB executive Virginia Lok confirmed that Steven's contract will end in March this year, thereby severing the 18 years of employer-employee relationship.  In a phone interview, Ms. Lok said: Steven did come back today to discuss the early contract termination issue. Originally his contract should end in May this year but he requested an early termination March. TVB has granted his request. Earlier on TVB has accepted some jobs for him which he has promised to fulfill. As to the details, the legal department will follow up on them." 

Que sera sera, Steven, what will be will be. Good luck and God bless! Keep walking don't look back!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Just this afternoon read Producer Leung Choi Yuen’s comment on AJCL posted on weibo.
Seems AJCL is also a favorite series for both its producer, Leung Choi Yuen, and scriptwriter, 賈偉南.
Uncle Choi’s comment:
Q:(to Uncle Choi) AJCL is also a low budget series but both its review and ratings are extremely good.
Choi: The strength of AJCL’s script is very strong, the subject matter to communicate is also especially broad; it’s about problems faced in life; a very serious issue. Initially, I was filled with trepidation because I felt this would be a very dark story. Worried viewers while having dinner might be turned off by all this funeral stuff. So I communicated to the scriptwriter, 賈偉南, that he must make this series ‘sunshine’. Coincidentally at that very moment, we saw this wall painting inscribed with this writing: “Today though stormy, tomorrow will see sunshine.” (今朝雖風雨明日見陽光) So, we immediately found the answer. (smile) I encouraged Mr.Gu to incorporate this maxim into the story; it’s zen like. So we came up with the marathon as an allegory. Even though we are writing a tombstone story, about confronting live and death separation. But life still goes on, life must go forward, and to give everybody a hope.

related item: Gu Wai Nam’s comment on how AJCL came into being. link

Series: LOTYEF

建元风云 Knowing how to swim is so important. Don't believe then watch the video. Kublia Khan is a brave, macho man but because he can't swim, he is chided by the scholarly monk if he is a real man for his display of cowardice. 

Kublia Khan and Monk Zi Cong's first encounter. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Steven's Pechanga concert CA.

Ibrandon @ There are seats available for the Pechanga concert. The Pechanga Theater has 12,000  (typo? most probably 1200) seats-- pretty big.

馬浚偉 劉明珠 龍馬迎春演唱會 2012
Steven Ma & Shiny Liu Pechanga 2012 Chinese New Year concert
1/22/2012 5PM at Pechanga Resort Casino

Ticket Price: $118, $98, $78, $58
To Purchase Ticket: ticket box office
Information: 626-964-4747

But his SF concert is sold out (700 tickets)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Series: LOTYEF

Legend of the Yuan Empire Founder, a historical series about the founding of the Yuan Empire, is currently shooting in Hengdian.  In the series, 何彦霓 portrays a Mongolian woman, Yun Lin, who dares to love and hate. In the story, she and Hong Kong TVB actor, Steven Ma, portrayed a powerful love story, from falling in love to separation, and later to experience the changing of times and the backwardness of ethnic group.

From the latest set of pictures shown, the above showed them reunited after a long separation, they broke out in a run in the wilderness to look for their good friend.  Ms. Ho's Mongolian costume and Steven's monk bald head are an interesting contrast.

To keep the integrity of the series, the plan to wrap up production before CNY will be postponed. After wrapping up  production in Hengdian, they will go back to Mongolia for on location shooting.

Just left the monastery

in Chinese

Friday, January 13, 2012

Steven's San Fransisco 01/21/2012

From Steven Ma message board,read Steven also has a concert with Shiny Liu in San Fransisco at Cache Creek Casino Resort. So I go on its website to check it out. Curious, I checked out its ticket sales and this notice came up:

The ticketing system currently indicates that no seats are available for this performance. This performance may not yet be onsale, may be sold-out or have other issues. Please try at a later time or contact customer service.

So I called the displayed 1-800 numbers to verify the issue.
I was told by operator if ticket site is not working then the concert is sold out - all 700 tickets
Congratulations to Steven.

Wah! Very tight schedule SF-LA.
 Shortest Flight Duration 1 hour 5 mins
 Hope no flight delay!

Steven Ma & Shiny Liu
Saturday, January 21, 7:30 pm
Chinese Concert
$108 / $78 / $58
Chinese New Year Celebration
Cache Creek Casino Resort
Brooks, CA, USA   (close to SF)

related item:  pechanga concert close to  LA

Sonija Kwok: If only Steven Ma weren't such a perfectionist


其实我同圈中朋友没有经常联络,但心中好朋友有好几个,好似佘诗曼、陈敏之同唐宁,阿佘合作拍过几套剧,佩服她好能吃苦之外,每样事情都控制得 好好,她处理负面新闻都好在行,不会理会别人讲什么,当然她工作上亦做得好好,我要向她学习,不明白为什么她几天不睡觉都没事,可能她有自己方法纾缓压 力。而且她是一个信得过的朋友,大家平时没有很多时间谈心事,但试过一齐飞去外地工作,我们可以在飞机上聊不停。

之前跟阿佘拍剧被别人话说欺负杨思琦,其实只是我同阿佘认识比较久,比较多话聊,变了好像杯葛思琦,别人就觉得我们欺负她,但有什么好欺负的, 只是别人写,根本没这回事,我同思琦都聊天,之后合作都没心结。我搬去清水湾住都是因为敏之,之前我找楼她叫我去她附近看,她对朋友好好,她公司贮物柜还 贴我的照片,真的好爱我,但现在少联络,她又忙,不过大家在心中。唐宁大肚时有探望她,我同她是在早期去非洲拍剧认识,那时仲有敏之、钟丽淇,4个女仔谁 一张床看天花聊天,我想一辈子都没类似的机会。

圈中男仔好友真的很少,马浚伟算是,但深入程度不会跟女仔一样,记得那时大家走得近,但不觉得他有追我,到有人传我们在一起,那时我好敏感,大 家之后好似有误会,加上各有各忙,就没处理这事,之后一齐拍剧虽然好少同场,但都没话聊,因为有心结未解。到好多年后再一齐拍剧,有一次大家一齐high tea,他经理人都在,有提到为什么会变成这样,之后大家个结解开了。现在我挺信任他,跟他合作好开心,不过他要求好高太执着,如果没有这么完美主义就 好。 (全文完)


source:  2012-01-13 16:27:50 21CN娱乐  郭羡妮:马浚伟不这么完美主义就好了

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sentinel to broadcast on Taiwan TVBS.

Wow! The life and times of sentinel is first broadcasted in Korea, now it is scheduled to broadcast in TVBS channel Taiwan.  What about 7 Days?  Any day soon?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sina site -- Legend of Yuan Empire Founder

Sina Legend of Yuan Empire Founder site has been open

Go check it out

Updated: Hengdian Day 2 - 11/13/2011

Condensed and Paraphrase~~~~~~
So we waited and waited by the site where we saw Steven yesterday. Cola Jie called to say Steven was still the other site filming. But we decided to wait anyway.  By 5 pm we were getting anxious.  Cola Jie called again to say Steven was still being held up there filming. She told us that Steven would meet us at the hotel.  So we all dashed back to the hotel to wait for him at the lobby.  Slightly after 5 pm, we saw Steven looking tired came into the hotel. Seeing us he quickly came to us.  He had been filming a fighting scene nonstop. His scene which should have ended by 10 am was prolonged until now. He said: "You all are still here ya? Unfortunately, I don't have much time. Later I still have to meet with the directors."  He told us that he could not talk too long with us as he still had a meeting with the directors afterwards.  Never mind, we had just wanted to give him our presents, and were happy just to have seen him today.  Pretty soon, he left to go up to his bedroom.  We were sad to see him leave so we unwillingly dragged our feet to leave the hotel too.

Finally really have to leave now.  As we were walking outside the hotel, Hui Hui at this moment noticed an unanswered phone call on her cell so she listened to it.  Just when she was about to return the call, there was this van that stopped behind us.  It was Steven’s!! And Cola Jie was inside it!! She told us that Steven was right now taking a shower, and that he would see us in the lobby later on.  He knew that 3 new fans had come.  And just that one encounter, and them coming from so far away is not easy.  So he squeezed out a time to see everybody, and to take pictures with the new fans. At that very moment hearing it, we were all so touched.  There’s one fan who cried outright at being so touched. 

So we excitedly rushed back to the hotel lobby to wait for Steven. After a while, Steven came down looking much refreshed than before. He had changed into a new set of clothes: denim jacket and wearing the same cap as day 1. As to his pants and shoes I forgot. It was quite dark inside in the lobby as the lights were dimmed. Steven first took pictures with the Day2 fans. Those of us Day1 fans instinctively did not join in.  We are all very self-disciplined little piggies. And then Steven sat down on the sofa and asked if there was anything to sign? Steven said he was waiting for Director Tsui they all to come down. So still had a bit of time to chat with us. So they (day 2 fans) handed out their pictures to Steven to sign. After the signing we chatted amiably until the directors came down.

We chatted quite a bit with Steven; talked about LOYEF, and asking him to have more Mainland events, and asked him to release a music album. Steven said there will sure be be opportunity to. And then we asked Steven to sing a song, sing Dai Nui Fa. (PITNOL) Steven asked us to join so we did.   Steven: “世显永伴长平合葬 ……” (Sai Hin buried with Cheung Ping...)  

This moment seemed so surreal but yet it is real. In the past I never even dared to imagine being able to sing with Steven in person.  I said: "4th Brother, I loved this line "世显永伴长平合葬" the most”.  Hearing that Steven unexpected sang that line again. Made me so touched by his act. Then he sang A Little Story with Zhen Zhen. It was good. 

After singing, we chatted with Steven again until Director Tsui and co. came down to the lobby. And so we had to say goodbye to him.  Hui Hui and Zhen Zhen would leave the next day but Ka Ka and I would take the bus to the train station to catch the 11:37 pm train. Ka Ka got off at Hongzhou at around 12 am while I sat in the train for another 4 hours before reaching Ningbo. This trip was full of pleasant excitement and very memorable for the rest of my life. 2011 was truly a happy year. Could see Steven thrice in 2 months. Steven is as handsome as before and as nice as ever towards us. Hope 2012 will be a good year to Steven.

See video on their interaction @  hengdian video

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Taishan


Steven broke up with girlfriend of 8 years

hi好酷 新闻】 2012 1/11 Steven and girlfriend Vivian (许慧玲) dated for 8 years. Their plan to marry last year did not pan out instead it ended up as a break-up.  Last night Steven revealed that he had broken up with girlfriend of 8 years for a year now.  Two days ago (1/8) Steven attended a new Avon 22nd anniversary function. During the event he was surrounded by fans especially children. Steven thought the kids were really cute said it's about time for him to get one for himself, too.

However, when this reporter asked Steven when he is going to get married, he suddenly became evasive in his response. After persistent questioning, Steven finally tacitly acknowledged that he had broken up with his girlfriend of many years for a year now.  Steven and Vivian's fate started from red wine. Vivian is involved in a red wine business and this wealthy girlfriend of Steven's had been kept confidential all along, until two years ago when Vivian appeared at one of Steven's series promotional events. It was then his girlfriend was officially made public.
As to their breakup decision Steven refused to reveal the reason for it. He just wanted to make their breakup known.  It is unknown if breakup was due to their marriage being delayed time and again?  "No need to go into details, want to keep some privacy. (Why wait until a year later to reveal?) To protect the former girlfriend. (But now) she may date another man. I worry that she might be photographed by someone and then be gossiped upon. That's why I revealed it now."

He said: "The lunar new year is upon us so here's wishing everybody happiness in the new year.  (Is he in a new love relationship?) At this time, I' don't want to talk about my love life. I just want to concentrate on my work."

When asked if his early contract termination issue with TVB has been resolved, Steven said that they are still working on resolving it, and that his original thinking has not changed. He will certainly inform the public when it has been resolved.

sources: Hi好酷 news馬仔宣布甩拖戀有錢女友8年婚變分@明报

 I guess it is true then that Steven has broken up with his ex-girlfriend.  I feel really sad for Steven and Vivian. 7-8 years is a long time.

*From the video, the kids did not kiss Steven.  Instead they were quite shy, it was Steven who took the initiative to hug them, no kissing exchanged.  Reporters tend to exaggerate everything.  This report said "silent tacit acknowledgment", other reports said "Steven admitted".  So exactly what did Steven say? Who knows.

Haiz! First news report of the year, and it had to be this bad news. But fans are all taking this piece of news with a grain of salt,  until Steven confirms it. 

related article: 2011 10/27  report on his birthday
When asked when is he going to get married? Steven played dumb and said: “I drank too much last night, still not sober yet!” When pressed, he answered evasively that anyway he is already a big boy, so whether work or personal matters, he has plans for them.

related material: steven as good husband discussion
related material:  contract renewal seesaw
related article: Steven's girlfriend

more taishan photos

Respecting, I'll not transfer any more of the photos that are being constantly uploaded there. Please go to that fansite to view lots of hd and large size Steven's photos taken at Taishan performance.

thread photo collection 1
thread photo collection 2

Steven's holding zita's phone talking on yy
Reluctant to leave so took photo in front of promo poster

Monday, January 9, 2012

Steven Ma and Shiny Liu at Perchanga Theater promotion

Jade Entertainment's promotion for Steven's stage performance with Shiny Liu.


Guess Daddy's Good Deed is will be airing soon.

梅小青(mui siu ching): Doing the post production of Daddy's Good Deed. One minute deeply moved, the next laughing out loud. @馬浚偉 @蕭正楠Edwin

馬浚偉: Siu Yan Jie, Ah Yap wants to violate me Fatt Dat Zai ah[泪] You have to give me justice ah啊[沙尘暴][可怜]

Taishan video

A little story and partial WTLB themesong
zita @

Towards the end notice Steven's surprised look when a fan unexpectedly hugged him. lol! The girl actually weibo about that hug. She had planned to just take a picture with Steven on the stage but she just couldn't resist the urge to hug him too when she got there. haha!  link to Mickey Jun Jun - the girl who impulsively hugs Steven

credit sina weibo @请不要叫我麟少

Siu Zhong Hua -WTLB
Video credit:   weibo lmeianhuo

Zhong Guo Ren (The Chinese People)
zita @

At the prize car, crowd screaming for Steven
One girl excitedly says he touched my hand!
zita @  

Can also access videos on steven ma baidu video thread

2012 1/08 taishan fan's report

Steven sang 3 songs: A Little Story, WTLB themesong, Zhong Guo Ren (Chinese people)

After finishing his performance Steven goes backstage.  We all stand up getting ready to leave too though the show has not ended yet.  Other people have the same idea too as many also stand up getting ready to leave albeit the grand prize drawing of a new car is yet to commence. Reality is that honest. Guess the main draw of the show is Steven not the new car. 
Zita's account of 2012 @ New Avon's 22nd Glorious Anniversary

Condensed paraphrase of Zita’s report.
We (about 10 of us) got there at around 6 pm (tn: start time was 8 pm). Nobody is there yet. We talked the security guard into letting us inside the auditorium, and with nobody to fight with, we saved some good seats. Later, a staff informs us that Steven is almost here. We all rushed outside to the main entrance and see a black van drive by. My cohorts say they saw Steven inside the van but no matter how I looked I couldn’t. We ask the staff if Steven enters by the side door and he says yes. So we quickly dashed over there where a large crowd has already gathered. We are told that Steven has already disembarked from the van and is inside the building now. Through the glass walls I see Steven surrounded by his entourage walking down the hallway. He has on a brown jacket, muffler, jeans and boots.

Together with the crowd we all followed Steven on the hallway but we did not call him to get his attention, just silently following him. That man walks fast, real fast, like flying. We are running but can’t even keep up with him. Finally, he enters a transparent room. Steven turns his head, at seeing us he waves and smiles. I try to snap some pictures but for some reason there are these two women who stand right in front him blocking my view of him. So annoying! Haiz! But later, my phone rings, two other fans have just arrived at the main entrance, and I go pick them up. When we three get back to the previous place it is empty of people; no Steven, no little piggies. My phone rings again, turns out that Steven is taken to another room for the interim before his performance. And my group has returned to the auditorium to wait for the show to start at 8 pm.

And our waiting begins. It is not until 10 pm or so that Steven finally comes out. The MC sure knows how to heighten the ambience with excitement. We start to holler: Ma Chun Wai, Ma Chun Wai…… until Steven finally comes out on the stage. However, inexplicably I did not notice him getting on the stage, when I look he was already there. I can hear him speak but I don’t remember what he said. So here I am; left hand clutching the phone with YY on for live broadcast, right hand holding up the camera to snap pictures.

In all, Steven sings 3 songs – A Little Story, Siu Zhong Sin (WTLB themesong) and Zhong Guo Ren (The Chinese People). During Steven’s singing, Tsui Jie comes over to where we snap pictures. Haha! So we ask if we could take pictures with Steven after his performance. Tsui Jie says that Steven will leave right away his performance so she suggests we look for his van and wait there for him. When Steven finishes his performance and says his goodbye and walks into the backstage, we all stand up getting ready to leave. Seeing us, people behind us also get off their seats to leave, not waiting for the show to end. People are so realistic wo! Obviously most have come to see Steven in person. Not even the grand prize of a brand new compact car that is yet to be given away can make them stay if Steven is leaving. Heehee! But Tsui Jie tells us that Steven has to stay back to present the prizes. She suggests a few of us go look for Steven’s van while the rest stay back. So Ting Ting and I decide to look for the van. We go to the parking lot and separately look for his van. After searching high and low the parking lot/garage, search and search and getting desperate by the minute, I finally found the van parked in front of the main entrance. Haiz! And so I wait by the van. But later Jun2, Chen2, & Lulu they all walk away to join me by the van. They say they could not see Steven anymore. Maybe he has left already by another door. Doubt surges through our minds, maybe this black van is not even Steven’s since I had only caught a glimpse of it when it came. While still wondering, we suddenly hear Jun2’s mom standing by the main entrance yelps.

We all rushed to her and aiya, there Steven is, on the stage. He and the others are getting ready to draw lots and present the prizes. Regrets! How come we were so dumb waiting for him outside while he is still inside and on the stage to boot. We just got inside when Steven walks towards us, actually, walks towards the prize car. Steven is the grand prize presenter. Standing so close to Steven, my heart starts to do somersaults again. We begin to yell: 4th Brother, 4th Brother…! Hearing us, Steven looks at us and smiles. Swoon!

At all times, Steven is surrounded by a large entourage. After presenting the prizes, Steven goes back inside the stage. For sure now, he must be preparing to leave. We tried to follow him but the security guard stopped us. So instead we all rushed out to his van to wait for him. Later, Hillman (tvb manager) comes out. He tells us that Steven will leave by the entrance where he first disembarked.

Through the glass walls, once again see Steven by the door getting reading to step outside. At this moment, a big crowd has again gathered by the door. A staff tells us we can take pictures with Steven now. We are all very happy to hear that. Steven walks away from the door toward us and we all start to yell 4th Brother, 4th Brother. Steven sees us and warmly says, “Guai la. Hearing you all called me 4th Brother, know that you are little piggies.” And then he walks to the middle of our group and asks: “Which of you have YY on? I saw your live yy messages on the weibo.” I hold up my phone and say “me, I have yy on.” (Can’t remember if I handed the phone to Steven or he just spoke into the phone, but must be I handed the phone over to him.) Anyway, Steven holds the phone and say: Wei, wei, how are you?” or something like this, I can’t remember. Because it is so noisy here so don’t know if you all could hear him or not. After a while, he hands the phone back to me. And we begin to have our pictures taken with him. After the group picture, for some reason, the crowd becomes chaotic and rowdy. People stretch out their hands wanting to shake Steven’s hand. So there are this cluster of disembodied waving hands stretching in front of Steven hoping to somehow grab/touch his hand, can’t tell who they belong too because there are so many. Staying by the side, one hand with the camera, the other hand with the phone, I have no hand left to shake with Steven. Hiaz! When I managed to free one hand, a group of people are already requesting for hugs. …I see a person giving him a bear hug. (not from our group) Pretty soon, the crowd presses against Steven, crowding him. All wanting to hug him. The security guards become nervous and quickly separated Steven from his fans, rushing him into the waiting van.  Even as he strides quickly to his van, everybody is still hollering they want hugs from him. Steven says guai, guai, guai, and pats a girl’s head as he passes her by. (Later someone posted in the fansite saying I shook somebody's hand but not sure if it was Steven's. Haiz!)

When he is inside the van, Steven rolls down the window and chats to us. And then separately, everybody says: “4th Brother, we all miss you..” Steven must have been very happy to hear that because he keeps saying ‘guai la, guai la”. (good girl/boy) And then everybody starts to introduce herself: I’m who and who…Steven says you all tell me who you are on weibo ba. I say to Steven: I’m Lam Lam. Steven says: You’re Lam Lam ah..” And I don’t remember what comes after that. And then Steven’s van drives away. We all yelled Bon Voyage! Drive carefully! And other well wishes. Sort of hear Steven replying OK. And so and so finally Steven’s van is gone. I feel like I’m in a trance. How did Steven’s van leave? Did he drive the van? What? (tn: confirm with a random weibo who posted a pix of Steven’s van that a driver did the driving, not Steven. Not sure if the van is his own or just a company van. And so the event has finally come to an end, a very satisfactory end. Thank you to Jun Jun who made this trip possible, helping us made all the necessary arrangements. Thank you, 4th Brother. He is so nice.

One more thing, when the van starts to move, someone in front of me yell: 3rd Prince (WTLB) be careful on the road. Come again to Taishan.

below------fan's report in Chinese ---

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 1/08 taishan -- Edited

Steven as special guest performer at New Avon (cosmetic) 22nd Glorious Anniversary. 
lots of pix and flash videos in pictures thread
flash videos thread - WTLB themesong, A Little Story, fans interaction

pictures thread at
more picture thread at
picture thread at steven baidu 

Again weiboans said Steven looks better in person than on screen. (even bald)
If can't access then go to youku:
zhong guo ren (Chinese people)  draw the prize winner's name

credit sources to random weibo a/c displayed on photos