Wednesday, January 19, 2011

weibo: 2011 Jan - Evergreen Jests with Thunder's scriptwriter, LFL

Lam Fung Ling:  What's a good movie to watch tonight?  Any recommendation, anyone? 

Evergreen: Go back to the studio to watch "Thunder in the Forbidden city" lah!

LFL: Had just watched Steven Ma been whipped by someone inside the studio, so cruel wo!

Evergreen: I'm right now going back to continue the whipping, even more cruel wo!  A good show to watch!

LFL: Stay back to watch category C, might as well go watch sei zai (what/who is sei zai - 4th son).  Ma Zai was not even shirtless in there!

Steven fan: oh, 4th Brother got beaten.  Guess got to beat him into shape.

Other steven fans begged Evergreen (2nd Brother) to show mercy to their 4th Brother. 

今晚睇哪套戲好呢?有冇人有意見?木小女子:四哥被打了。不打不成材。 //@林鳳玲:留低睇三級,不如出去睇四仔,馬仔都冇除衫嘅! //@麥長青:我現在回去再打,更殘忍喎!好好睇架!// @林鳳玲 :回复 @麥長青 :啱啱至喺廠睇住馬浚偉被人鞭打,好殘忍喎!// @麥長青 :翻廠睇"紫禁驚雷"啦@

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