Friday, December 21, 2012

A script on Steven with his three sisters.

2012-12-18 17:31 賈偉南HK : Last night on tv (I) saw you with your 3 sisters together, what popped into my mind was not "Star, Moon and Sun",  rather it's “The Golden Lotus” (Jin Ping Mei/The Plum in the Golden Vase) instead.  Fala is Pang Jing Lan, Ah Yi is Li Ping Er, and Ka Yan is Chun Mei, and Ximen Qing is.... //@ Steven Ma: I 'd rather be Ximen Zi. 

2012-10-30 07:23 賈偉南HK: That night Steven and I talked about his three sisters: Tavia, Linda and Fala;  aren't they the ready-made cast for a HK tv series (Star, Moon, Sun)*「星星 月亮 太陽」? //@Steven: Mr. Koo, I want to be Earth! [抓狂][抓狂][抓狂] [偷笑]


2011-11-21 賈偉南HK: Actually there is a remake material;  a Republican Era; Steven Ma +李學慶 + Fala Chen + Tavia Yeung; the roles just right for them. If truly look me up to write this, I will definite recommend them (as cast). //@Steven: Ok! This co-stars plus Mr. Koo, one phrase,  wait for you!

//@ 賈偉南HK: The character is very extreme; both good and evil; because of love take revenge on Tavia and destroy her and  李學慶's family; and create karma for the next generation; abused Fala's deep love. //@Steven: What's stored inside the brain, nobody can snatch away or steal! If it's what you told me over the phone, that's definitely incredible, anticipating it![鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌][哈哈]

//@賈偉南HK: Ok! I'll do my best to make it happen! Don't you reveal anything! Only you know the storyline. //@Fala Chen: "Abused Fala's deep love?" Repeat the tragedy of Pu Chung Ling and Siu Chiu? [泪]

//@賈偉南HK: Unwilling to forget love, too bad guy's heart hard as steel, so cruelty begets cruelty. 


Note1: “The Plum in the Golden Vase” aka “The Golden Lotus” (Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅) wikipedia

Note2:「星星 月亮 太陽」The 1961 Golden Horse Best Picture novel adapted movie set during Sino-Japanese war in China about a man falling in love with 3 different women.

---- in Chinese -------

Koo weibo search link on sun, moon, star

 賈偉南HK:  2012-12-18 17:31@馬浚偉 昨晚在電視見到你三位妹妹同場,想到的不是正路的《星星 月亮 太陽》,而是《金瓶梅》,法拉是潘金蓮,阿怡是李瓶兒,嘉欣是春梅,而西門慶則是……[笑哈哈]  

馬浚偉 2012-12-18 18:14:我情願做....西 門 子!


賈偉南HK:  2012-10-30 07:23 那晚@馬浚偉 談及他三位妹妹楊怡、鍾嘉欣、陳法拉,不就是現成港劇版的「星星 月亮 太陽」。 馬浚偉 2012-10-30 12:33: 賈生我要做地球[抓狂][抓狂][抓狂] [偷笑]


@賈偉南HK 2011-11-5 12:37@一厘米微蓝的blog: 其實有一個重拍題材,年代劇,雙生雙旦,馬浚偉+李學慶+陳法拉+楊怡,角色好啱佢地做,如果真係搵我寫,一定提議。 //@馬浚偉 2011-11-5 12:56: 好!這配搭再加賈生,一句話,等你!哈哈!//@賈偉南HK  (2011-11-5 14:28):角色好偏激個噃,亦正亦邪,為愛向阿怡報復,破壞阿怡與學慶一家幸福,禍延下一代,辜負了法拉一片深情.

@馬浚偉2011-11-5 12:56: 腦袋裡的,誰也搶不了、偷不走!若依你在電話中告訴我的,那絕對是萬分精彩,期待呢![鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌][哈哈] //@賈偉南HK 2011-11-6 00:30: 好!我盡力爭取成事!你唔好爆料呀,個故事暫時係得你知咋。//

@陈法拉(2011-11-6 01:32):"辜負了法拉的深情"?要重譜蒲松齡和小翠的悲劇?@馬浚偉[泪] //@賈偉南HK 2011-11-6 01:19: @陈法拉  不忍忘情棄愛,可恨郎心如鐵,唯有以狠制狠。


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