6月29日 21:10 All done, end up eating only half a mooncake in the whole filming process, no worry about getting fat. Haha! My thanks to each and every team member, happy and smooth sailing, thank you! P.S. Everybody, remember to watch out for my ad/commercial for the FuLum Group Restaurants 《富臨集團》!
6月29日 11:11 Today shoot moon cake ad, released end of July. So, how many moon cakes will I eat today? P.S. Look at this happy team members.
拍完了,结果整個拍摄過程只吃了半個月餅,不怕胖了哈哈!感激今天拍摄團隊的每一位,快樂又順利,感恩!p.s.大家記得留意《富臨集團》的廣告播出啦!// 今天拍月餅廣告,七月底有得看了,那麼今天到底要吃幾個月餅呢?p.s.看看這個快樂的團隊
Steven really looks so Ka Yeung in this group photo! Haha! Come to think of it, it's been almost 2 weeks since he last took a selfie!! :P Hope to his new hairstyle selfie soon! ��