Sunday, October 10, 2010

weibo 10/10

steven weibo
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10/10 02:15 Have once heard that if we walk faster than sound, we can then hear the sounds from the past. Have once heard if we walk faster than the light, we can then see the shadows from the past! I don’t understand physics or science, but, if this is true, how wonderful it would be! Borrow writing to send as regards (借文寄意) to far away close friends! Wishing you peace and happiness!

TN: Steven once said he has lost many relatives and friends to death.

Resized to 92% (was 490 x 366) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

10/9 14:57 They truly look as if they are gossiping, very cute! I wrote some captions for them, just for fun! Wish everybody a happy weekend! p.s. Yeung Mie, (Tavia) take care of your health; ask auntie to make soup for you! Take care!
Green bubble:Heard she's recently with who and who na!
Red bubble: Ha? Can't be ba!
Blue bubble: Who are you talking about?

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10/7 16:01 A copy of a 1997 photo, taken when filming “Honey’mv! The director was my good friend, Miss Lau Nyuk Yee! Counting, 13 years already…(sweat) (汗)…so at that time, my looks was actually quite “cocky”! (寸, cun) Haha!

“汗” Sweat - Internet slang used as an interjection to express embarrassment, etc. )

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