Steven posted in his sina weibo that his marriage proposal scene with Christie in epi 15 garnered 31.3 points - not sure if it was a peak rating, or an average rating for epi 15.

Calvin - what kind of man is he? Women he charmed know they should distant themselves from him but couldn't. screencap from: cherry019

In weibo, Steven is surprised Calvin is being so well-received by viewers despite his "badness". lol!

credit: Steven ma weibo
Though Calvin is not the typical bad-through villain, some of his actions are undoubtedly ruthless and despicable. He was ruthless when he locked Ah Lung inside an overheated sauna. He is despicable when he plays with Judy's feelings for him, and a thief who deliberately steals and breaks hearts is the most despicable of men. And to actually humiliate Judy on stage during his love declaration to Christie is very despicable indeed. And now though it breaks his heart, (from sneak shots on him) he is breaking Christie's heart, quite deliberately and brutally too. Did he think of it as his last hurrah of 'tough love' act for Christie? He recalls that if he dies Christie will follow suit. So by making Christie hate him so much so that she will leave him, she will not know when the time comes for him to die in obscurity. So not knowing he has died, she will continue to live out her life without him. So does his action justify his deliberate hurting of Christie's heart?
Indeed, Calvin is a very intriguing man, straddling good and evil, currently tipping towards evil. But viewers (most) are nevertheless drawn to him coming up with reasons to mitigate his duplicity. Many said that oh, that Calvin is so bad, but I love him anyway. But then if men are not bad, women will not love. What logic is that? lol! Because of Steven's portrayal of Calvin, Calvin's goodness trumps his badness. Calvin is extremely charming, gracious and personable. He is extremely intelligent, loving and attentive and romantic (wristwatch, balloons, candlelight dinner and red wine), quick witted, sophisticated, humorous, resourceful, confident, unflappable (has a cool head even in extreme situations), has a dreamy voice (esp. his voiceover txt msg on Christie's cellphone in epi 15 when he promises Christie a most unforgettable day of her life), fun loving, and most of all, he exudes irresistible excitement and danger. So definitely, his good points exceed his bad until he dumps you. lol! But then he has been 'faithful' to Christie all these years. He could have had his 'fun' with Judy easily taking advantage of her advances to him, but he did not, in fact, he went to great length to make sure they didn't do it. So Calvin cannot be all that bad, can he? He has reasons for his duplicity, right? Is he a bird without legs who flies until he dies not wishing to land?
And the most important question --- Will the viewers get to see that very hot and intense kiss between Calvin and Judy to make Christie jealous? Is that why Christie slap Calvin so hard on the face?

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