Sunday, March 27, 2011

Steven at a Toronto mall autograph signing 6-30 2009

June 30th 2009 Steven signs autographs at a Toronto Chinese mall as publicity for tomorrow's CHIN Picnic 2009 Canada Day Celebration organized by A1 Radio DJs  the Toronto Exhibition Place.

零距离接触.马浚伟 粉丝情绪高涨
Close contact: Highly charged Steven Ma Fans
2009-07-01 07:49:07
reporter:李川济 摄影:Emma
source: 加拿大都市网原创
A huge turnout of fans attended TVB xiu Sang, Steven Ma's autograph signing session at Splendid China Mall, and to be in close contact with the DJs from A1 Chinese radio station. Steven making his appearance on stage roused his fans' enthusiasm to a feverish pitch, bringing the session to its highest point. Steven together with A1 radio station DJs will be at the Exhibition Place today to perform in the Chin Picnic National Day 2009 event to celebrate Canada's national day with local fans.

Yesterday, Steven was attired in a gray light jacket over a red t-shirt matched with a pair of gray denim jeans and white sneakers, and on his head, a red cap, looking totally like a nice boy from next-door. In the midst of fans' enthusiastic chanting Ma Zai, Ma Za", Steven quickly strode onto the stage platform inside the Splendid China Mall, waving at and greeting his fans.

The autograph signing session MCs, Mr. Wong and Mr. Liu helped whipped up the atmosphere in the session. Later, games were played; 5 lucky draw winners were able to have their pictures taken with Ma Zai and to also receive a Steven autographed special t-shirt from A1. When an old lady came up on stage to take pictures with Steven, the latter's patience in helping her up the steps onto the stage elicited loud, continuous applause from the audience.

A1 Chinese radio station DJs Mr. Wong and Mr. Liu did a live broadcasting of Steven Ma's autograph signing session inside Splendid China Mall at 3 pm yesterday. Mr. Wong, the assistant manager at A1 Chinese Radio station, divulged that Ma Zai and Yip Zi Ching will sing a Cantonese Opera duet, “Dai Ngui Fa”, at the Chin Picnic National Day 2009 celebration show tomorrow, in addition to several other pop songs.


original article from:

eta: more pix upload - baidu steven

The injured hand wrapped in black bandage looks less conspicuous than in white.
I'm surprised Steven was casually dressed, and had a matching cap to boot. lol!

pix taken by:(rayman)
credit to: steven's warm house

AF thread
AF comment#1577
pix link
pix reposted onto baidu sm thread; baidu2

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