Watching how the Japanese government and the Japanese people adapting to and handling of such a catastrophic event invoked in me a genuine sense of admiration and appreciation. Frankly speaking, this kind of post-disaster orderly conduct and crisis management mentality is definitely worthwhile for all citizens of any country to learn from and reflect on, and also to respect! But, at the same time, I've also read some friends constantly using China as a contrast. I want to stress: this kind of tragedy is definitely worth our while to do some self-introspection and self-awakening! But to only use invectives and comparisons as a way of presentation, what's the point?
看到日本政府和日本人民面對如此巨災後的應變和處理,真心感佩服和欣慰。坦白說,這樣的災後秩序和危機處理心態,絕對值得任何一國人民學習和反省、也尊 重!但,同時也看到一些朋友,不停拿中國來作比較。我想強調,如此悲劇,絕對值得我們去檢討,去醒悟!但只用謾罵和比較來作呈現方式,有用嗎?
P.S. For once, Steven could not come up with an appropriate picture to accompany his post. Steven was commenting on how some people bashed the Chinese people and the Chinese government's post-crisis handling of the earthquake in Yunnan vis-a-vis their Japanese counterparts. But some overly zealous weiboans blinded by their nationalistic fervor misunderstood his intended message and did a flame war on his message board. They thought Steven was berating them for their previous anti-Japanese messages on his weibo. And of course, Steven fans attempted to point out their misunderstanding of Steven's message to no avail, of course.
Anyway, the messages on his weibo got a bit overheated with both sides arguing their points of views. So Steven, to disperse the tension in his weibo, wisely posted the following entry to change the topic to a less controversial subject.

3/13 19:17
There are many ways to relax. For me, one way is to see some cute photos that make me laugh, like this one....its 'back view' is so very cute! haha!
TN: Sure enough, his fans followed his lead. I hope the fanatic China nationalistic weiboans did not take the dog picture the wrong way, thinking that Steven was thumbing at them with his back (ass) shot, and of course, dog has a derogative connotation to the Chinese people. Haha! So much over thinking when dealing with fanaticism. Anyway, previously, I have encountered many random weiboan who are not Steven fans commenting how they decided to follow him on weibo because his entries are usually thought provoking and of substance. and of course, they were impressed with his literary ability.
But gotta say, that sure was a funny looking, tail-ess dog. haha! Make me happy to see it because I can so picture Steven chuckling when posting it.
Unless they especially used a different moniker to post their messages, posters of anti-Japanese sentiments and gloating are not the regulars on Steven weibo; Steven fans and weibo regulars are mostly (since I only skimmed the board) sympathetic to the Japanese earthquake victims' plight. Gratified to see that. Actually, compared to the vitriols on Anthony Wong Chow Sang weibo, the posts in Steven weibo though fervent were at least civilised enough.
But gotta say, that sure was a funny looking, tail-ess dog. haha! Make me happy to see it because I can so picture Steven chuckling when posting it.
Unless they especially used a different moniker to post their messages, posters of anti-Japanese sentiments and gloating are not the regulars on Steven weibo; Steven fans and weibo regulars are mostly (since I only skimmed the board) sympathetic to the Japanese earthquake victims' plight. Gratified to see that. Actually, compared to the vitriols on Anthony Wong Chow Sang weibo, the posts in Steven weibo though fervent were at least civilised enough.
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