3/18 01:06 Right now making soup for all the behind-the-scenes colleagues in Book of Words. They like the soup, but tomorrow will need to re-simmer it! Hmm.. suddenly feel very introspective! For people to be alive, to meet and be acquainted with each other is already an incredible predestined fate. To collaborate and even become friends elevates the fate to a higher level! I hope that between people there is more concern and love, less calculation and suspicion, more understanding and tolerance, less biasness and hurtfulness...to be alive is already a great blessing, why not be nicer to other people?
正為「正識第一」所有幕後同事煲湯,他們很喜歡 喝,但明天要再熬!唔....突然很感觸!人能活著,能相見相識已是極大緣份,能共事甚至當上朋友,更是再深層次的緣!我希望,人與人之間,能互相關愛多 一點、計算猜疑少一點、體諒包容多一點、偏見傷害少一點...能活著已是天大福氣,那何不對別人好一點?
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