Friday, April 8, 2011

Book of Words 11/12

Power Chan and Mimi Lo
I love this couple, so loving. Mimi is an extrovert while Power is an introvert.
Their personalities are so different.

Steven: I've known Mimi for a long time
Mimi: We were from the same music company (warner music)
Steven: What year did you release your album?
Mimi: 95 (Steven's in 93)
Steven: Was it during the time of "tiu jing jie"?
Mimi: Yes, and I also remember yours was "Lucky to have met you"
Steven: Bye bye!

Everybody: hahaha!
Steven to Power: You're a student of performing arts; you're Mimi's senior brother
Mimi: Yes
Steven: Power, we've known each other for a long time now.

Power: plus we were high school schoolmates. (C.M.A.Pre-vocational School)

Steven: You're my senior,

Power: right, at vocational school. My relationship to you is the same as to mine with my wife. She studied performing arts but I didn't know. And you were from the same vocational school but I didn't either. It's only when we entered the industry and gotten to know each other, then I found out you're from the same school and Mimi from the same performing arts college.

Steven: I remember now that I was form 1 (grade 7) and you're form 5 (grade 11)
Power: yes

Steven: What you learned at the performing arts, and the series you filmed in tvb, are there any difference?

Power: no difference, in any arts form, what we pursue is verisimilitude, the genuine feeling, if we don't possess this feeling of genuineness, then we need to learn or find ways of how to get this kind of feeling.

Steven: Would you two analyze together how best to act a role or sing a song?

Mimi: Yes, we spent a lot of time doing just that. But it is not boring.

Steven: definite not boring. You two are a very enviable couple.

Mimi: You can be that way  too.

Steven: Of course, I can. Why not?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Tamaya. I love Stven ^^ He's amazing :D
