Uncle Choi 22:39: Was that true? I believe big liar Weekly deceives itself more lo!
In actuality when Steven was told to sit on the throne by Power, Steven immediately invited Kenneth to share the seat with him. Of course, being in the entertainment for as long as he has been, Steven knew instantly that the throne was a hot potato, that in no way could he sit on that throne without inviting Kenneth to sit with him. Even then following the proper protocol, and politically correct in his conduct, he still got slammed on the print by unscrupulous tabloid news. I can really feel the helplessness in Steven and also in his fellow colleagues over this kind of unscrupulous and fabricated news report by picture.
Judge for yourself. youtube
related post: sentinel 1st promo on site recording
Below is the offending picture that prompted the said reporter's imaginative news reporting by picture. And no surprise the article was reported by : 东方新地 oriental daily
steven: 哈哈!看到某周刊話我搶住坐龍椅逼馬明靠边坐....唉,有片㗎!真係得啖笑!不過,也是一種宣傳吧!多謝!
other pictures in the news report.
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