Friday, August 12, 2011

Joey Yung's Song Plagirarizing Steven Ma's song (chorus portion)

credit: steven
source: Apple Daily 8/13

The video has Steven's song  《不再悲觀》by composer, 張宇 who also sang the mandarin version .  The Cantonese song 花千樹 composed by Mattew Tisher & Andrew Ang sung by Joey Yung juxtaposition with the two song sounds absolutely like them, thus suspecting of plagiarism. 霍汶希 denies plagiarizing. That after so many years, some songs will sure to sound similar.

TN: It is not just similar in some way, it is a 100% absolute plagiarism in the chorus portion. Judge for yourself on how similar Joey's new song chorus to Steven's 1994 old song. Unbelievable that composers for a mega star like Joey would resort to plagiarism. And incidentally, that song is one of my very favorite Steven's song. 

Eta: For just in case, and to avoid unnecessary future misunderstanding, I do believe that Joey was unaware that the chorus in her new song sounds exactly like the one in Steven's song.
Background of the song's origin2009 In his recent interview, Paco revealed that Steven was way too pessimistic during his early years as a singer. So in an attempt to dissipate Steven's pessimism, he assigned this song for Steven to sing. Will not be pessimistic anymore.

Steven's 2002 memoir: At that time, I had this adapted song, “不再悲观”, a Zhang Yu’s(张宇) composition. My rendition sparked off two main voices from outside opinions. They consented that I sang the song well, but at the same time, they criticized my tone and emotive intonation for being too mature for my age.
steven's 不再悲觀


  1. Music plagiarism

    what do you think? lol

    Joey's song was composed by Matthew Tisher and Andrew Ang from a foreign company (the U.S. I think). Do you think they have heard Phil Chang/Steven Ma's song before? It's just that line in the chorus out of the whole song that sounds similar. I'm not saying that there's no chance they could've copied, but I honestly wouldn't say that it is 100% plagiarism either.

  2. To my ears, the chorus is 100% similar.

    As to "Do you think they have heard Phil Chang/Steven Ma's song before?" I wouldn't know now, would I? But the outcome of the chorus speaks for itself, don't you think?

    Anyway, I totally believe that Joey is innocent in this matter. She wouldn't have known.
