Dec 12/18 - midnight - 2 am
the radio station's address
UPDATED: Edited copy tudou link ; steven weibo link;
longer duration edition: baidu
39:32 mins long on tudou
The theme is Why do you like Hong Kong artist, Steven Ma?
The newscaster in FM93 Zhejiang, 蓝婧, a staunch Steven Ma fan, was in the 1st fan hengdian visit), is right now (started at midnight) as guest DJ in the same radio, broadcasting a segment on Steven Ma and why you like him . Having being informed of this segment on himself, Steven said he is listening to her broadcast too.
TN commentary: 蓝婧 is not only pretty but has a very sweet voice to boot. (from her avatar) haha! 蓝婧 is ultra nervous, her words were a bit rushed but full of enthusiasm that is very catching. She knows that Steven is listening because he weibo he is, so she is extra nervous. What is the chance of hosting a segment on someone you admire as a role model? (She says she has no idols just role models) And moreover being a DJ is very different from being a newscaster, who reads from a scripted news report. A DJ work is more dynamic and spontaneous. As a first time DJ she did a pretty good job for her 2 hours hosting. She weibo that that wasn't her best effort because of lack of experience but the opportunity to host a show on Steven was something she will cherish for a long time. Listening to the edited version can tell that Lan Jing was very excited because she knew Steven was listening to her broadcast. She was so grateful for this opportunity to broadcast a show on her role model artist.
some transcript
馬浚偉:Listening to the live broadcast and reading the messages, truly feel a bit red faced... thank you for everybody's love. !
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馬浚偉:As DJ, doing just as good!
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馬浚偉 今天 00:46: Feeling a bit embarrassed ne......
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馬浚偉: I'm also listening in.

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DJ: Besides Steven's artistic talents in acting and singing, there is also his literary talent I want to talk about.
Live updating In descending sequence
Why Steven is addressed as 4th Brother?
Why Steven fans are known as little piggies?
Playing Steven's song -- Don't be pessimistic.
Playing another Steven's song -- haven't heard it before so don't know its name.
Playing yet another Steven's song -- title 爱的化身
DJ says this is little surprise because usually she is a daytime news broadcaster but now as guest DJ. My theme is Why do you like HK artist, Steven Ma?
Lot of commercials interruptions.
Playing SM song -- Xiang Fei -- themesong of On the track or off
Why she noticed Steven Ma is primarily because of Steven's literary talent.
Acting well is an actor's job and singing is a singer's job but to be both a good actor who can write so well is very rare indeed, that's why my noticing of Steven because not only is he a good actor but also a good writer. And also through his writing that shows his care for society. His writing is of not fantasy writing or novel romantic but elegant writing of eloquence. e.g in his One Pen Ma. A very rare artist indeed.
She talks about Steven's first book, Why Suicide? which shows his concern for society. When celebrities published books, it is usually to make themselves look good with beautiful pictures or to write their sob stories of how tough their lives were before becoming famous. So she was taken aback when she found out that the book Steven published "Why Suicide?" had nothing to do with him whatever. the book is written to help people on how to deal with wanting to commit to suicide, on how families and friends can help these suicidal victims through different ways and how to look for outside help within their communities.
Too many texts can't read them all out but this is from a Singapore fan who entreats 蓝婧 to tell Steven that she loves him for his passion for acting, love his person and his love for his family. ....
Playing "Miss you finally"
Playing Fortunate to have met you but interrupted by commercial.
Too many commercials
Today I'm so happy to be hosting this segment. I want to dedicate a special song to a special you. song title:紧紧拥抱你 Embracing you tightly. I really like this song because I truly want to embrace all my listeners.
DJ introduces Steven for those listeners who just tuned in and not sure who Steven is . Introducing some of his series such as: DOMD1998 , Gentle Crackdown2 etc.
So far, DJ is doing a good job.
Complimenting Steven's written words. No pretentious but full of thought provoking words and concern and care for people. DJ was a bit taken aback when such a handsome, popular actor's first book is actually concerning society, which in turn, reflects on his personality.
Playing Changing Sky
Not only because I like his acting but also because his words moved me. But at this moment, I will be an objective broadcaster and not inject my biasness into this broadcast with my analysis.
What to do now, only 8 more minutes to go before I need to sign off.DJ saying her farewell speech and her thanks to her colleagues who made this happen and to her listeners and to all those who texted her. She is feeling very unwilling to get off the air.
Last song of the night--- 想飞 (wants to fly)
More commercials -- so late still so many commercials
TN: So happy I got the last hour of her show. Will upload that show tomorrow if available on line.
是的,这也是我昨天节目最后说明的主旨,为什么我会愿意用两个小时的时间来专门做一个艺人的专场,我只想让人们听到和看到,一切在为这个社会努力做着自己 贡献的人们。只是,他是个艺人,这更让人觉得难得。没有任何个人感情色彩在里面,我想说明一个事实。艺人应该这样发光发热
为什么喜欢马浚伟》剪辑 他出版的书籍和文字总是充满人文关怀,朴实率真的作风,关注社会民生现象。其第一部著作《拯救沉重的生命》列举十个自杀案例,他的文学作品多以社会纪实类为主,这是一位极其有社会责任感的综合性艺人
《为什么喜欢马浚伟?》直播剪辑 爱是永不止息,爱是一种责任,爱是最美的语言。《为什么喜欢马浚伟?》直播节目-----这是一位以关爱人生,关爱生命,关爱灵魂为天职的艺人。值得爱戴和尊敬。 谢谢蓝婧小朋友和我们一起分享
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