2/3 21:30 What I promised I will always carry out! As man, what's promised then must carry out, if can't do it then don't say it! Actually yy is quite fun, can listen to little piggies sing. But still not sure how to use it! But still quite fun!
Last night, after reading his little piggies' numerous messages/invitations to join them on yy, Steven finally got on it and chatted and sang with his fans. A most happy time they all had had. Unluckily I was not there to join them. Not even sure how it all works.
But for those who know Chinese, here's the link: www. yy.com However, you must dl the software in the site in order to listen, talk, record your singing and post interactively. Once on yy site, then search for SM baidu site with its reference number: 19710260 (hint: 1971; 10; 26;)
我答應過的一定兌現! 男人嘛,說得出來就要做,做不到那就別說! 其實YY挺好玩的,可以聽小豬們唱歌,就是不太會用!不過,還是挺開心的!
![[哈哈] [哈哈]](http://img.t.sinajs.cn/t35/style/images/common/face/ext/normal/6a/laugh.gif)
![[豬頭] [豬頭]](http://img.t.sinajs.cn/t35/style/images/common/face/ext/normal/58/pig.gif)
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