Saturday, January 21, 2012

weibo 12/20

1/21 12:41 After watching Mr. Kung's interview, I felt very helpless! Progenies of the Han people (Chinese) are spread all over the world, Shanghai people? Beijing people? Hong Kong people? They are only regional divisions. Such pronouncement (Mr. Kung's) is over the top. The problem came up  so the immediate solution is on how to resolve the problem, why magnify it and intensify the differences? History should not be forgotten but responsibility should not be arbitrarily placed either. The cultural differences are not to compare high or low but to mutually learn from each other.  If evil thoughts are not in the heart then there will be no existence of diameter.  (line of separation (?)) Self-improvement is the right path to go! Mutual sharing!

看完孔先生的訪問深感無奈!炎黃子孫遍全球,上海人?北京人?香港人?只是地區人稱之分矣。問題出現,如何解決平息才是前題,何苦再把 其放大,把分歧深化?歷史不能忘,但責任也不能亂套。文化差異不是要分高低,是求互學互授。心中不存惡念,那就沒徑呈現。身教才是正道,共勉之!

tn: There was this subway incident in Hong Kong whereby a Hong Kong passenger berated this mother and child tourists from Mainland for eating etc inside the train, whereby harsh words were exchanged between the two parties.  And their argument was recorded by some onlooker and of course posted online. Mainlanders took offense at what the HK person said: "Mainlanders are like this."  I have not watched the video myself just read what the fans posted on Steven weibo regarding this incident. Don't know who this Mr. Kung is either but his profession is a Beijing University professor and the descendant of Confucius.  He said in the interview that all Hong Kong people are dogs and that Chinese who do not learn to speak Mandarin are all wang ba dang, which truly enraged Steven and Hong Kong people. But Professor Kung later clarified in another interview that he did not call all Hong Kong people "dogs" just some of them are 'dogs' like how 'dogs' are existed in other nationalities and races. Detractors are appalled that such crude, denigrating words  came out from a professor of an elite university.  What kind of students would come out of such a teacher?

Many Hong Kong celebrities responded to Mr. Kung's choice of words, including Steven of course. Netizens praised Steven for his reconciling and reasonable post.

with English translation on Kung's interview-- youtube
the subway incident


  1. @tamaya: I was reading some stuff on weibo that said Mr Kung is known as an extreme 'leftist' in China and had offended alot of people over there already -- to the point that most people don't take his words seriously anymore (sounds like he is known for shooting off his mouth like that).

    Also, they said that his father is some famous 'leftist' rebel in China who had killed over 140 people because he considered them 'rightists' (meaning people who thought opposite of what he thought), which is the reason why he himself was killed (probably executed for killing so many people). With that type of family background, no wonder Mr. Kung would utter such atrocities!

    After reading all that stuff about Mr Kung's background, I seriously question how he got his teaching credentials! And to think that he is teaching the next generation of students that same type of discriminatory and prejudiced thinking is absolutely abhorrent! Confucius would probably be turning in his grave if he knew he had such horrible descendants!

    Btw, Susan Tse is also a descendant of Confucius and Mr Kung is considered her 'senior', however that didn't stop her from blasting him for what he said -- good for her!

  2. llwy12: Thanks for the info. Didn't know that. Shudder to think he has such power in his hands over the minds of the younger generation who are his students.
