Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yuan Yang Pei - Lai Fu vs Tang Ting Xuan

Only a little bit in Lai Fu's and Tang Ting Xuan's characters, just a little. But gotta to say the passages read like a teenage romantic novel.  baidu sm and novel baidu

Lai Fu or Tang Ting Xuan?
His eyes were closed tightly, his eyebrows black and thick, a patrician nose tall and straight, lips raised slightly at corners as if amused, the contour of lower jaw looked good too, the skin on the tan side. Asleep, he does indeed look handsome. Yong En’s heart fluttered a little, her face burning slightly. Whether this person is handsome or not, what’s that got to do with her. She felt a bit embarrassed to be staring so unreservedly at this young man, scrutinizing him so closely in a manner so impolite.  She took a deep breath hoping to dispel that sneaky unease. She removed her glasses, retrieved her handkerchief and proceeded to clean the glasses. Time crawled by, Yong En in a distracted state of mind, totally intent on rubbing her glasses, again and again, back and forth, and suddenly she sensed a slight change. She raised her head, didn’t know when that young man on the sickbed had opened his eyes, dark orbs with a confused look in them.  He was indeed very handsome.

Tang Ting Xuan -- haughty, insouciant and elegant, dignified, graceful and poised.

“ 他紧闭着双眼,眉毛又粗又浓,鼻峰坚毅挺拔,嘴角微微上扬,仿佛带着一种嘲弄的意味,下颌的弧线长地非常好看,皮肤有点黑,睡着的模样,倒也算英俊。永恩的心微微一动,脸有些发烫,这个人英俊不英俊,关她什么事。她有些羞赧,这样肆无忌惮地盯着一个青年男子细看,真是一件很失礼的事。她深深地呼了一口气,想赶走那悄然而至的不自在,只得将眼镜摘下来,掏出手帕来轻轻地擦拭着。时间在悄悄地流失,永恩的神思有些恍惚,擦镜片已经成了下意识的动作,反反复复,来来回回,她突然感到有什么地方不对,抬起头,病床上的青年不知何时睁开了眼睛,深邃的目光里带着些许迷茫,他的确长地很英俊。”

“她仍旧是痴痴地望着他,巍峨屹立的金色旋转大门犹是自在地旋转着,而他卓然傲立的潇洒从容姿态中,隐隐流露着威严与雍容的气度,是那么的不一样,应当不是的…可天下怎么会有那么巧的…那乌漆漆的墨镜后来掩藏的是怎样一双眼睛呢?…… 她却象是魔怔了一样,突然道:“麻烦你把眼镜…摘下来…好吗?” 周围的空气突然变地稀薄起来,街道的一切纷繁都静止了下来,这个世界停了下来,只为等待看看他能否答应她这个冒昧的请求。一会儿,他的的嘴角微微扬起,划开一道柔软的弧线,却没有再说半个字,径直越过她,向汽车走去……”

1 comment:

  1. That should be Lai Fu.

    Heart's aflutter and suddenly guilt ridden when she realised that she had partaken forbidden fruit....The "Eye Candy"......

    The "eye candy" turned out to be total sweetness.........

    I can see how this novel reads like a teenage romantic novel...
    Either stupefyingly saccharine ......
    or a huge sugar rush......
    (depending on which side of teenagehood/adulthood you are at..*laughs*).

    Lets hope for the latter....

    P.S........I actually look forward to an insouciant Ting Xuan....
    a devil-may-care Ting Xuan, a party-animal Ting Xuan....a predatory Ting Xuan stalking an innocent..........a tortured Ting Xuan......

    all that..........and a pure Lai Fu....

    Moi am not reading the novel......

    Better to breathe it as Steven weaves it.......and be totally enthralled by its magic....
