Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Updated: 1/02 Happy New Year 2013

1月1日 12:01 Last night very happy [太开心] but could you not use "cute" (可愛  )to describe me again?[汗] I can't stand it[吐]

TN: Me neither, and for that matter, the use of 萌(kawaii - cutie pie) to describe a grown man. In either case, I cringe at seeing the word 'cute/lovable' (可愛) or cutie pie/kawaii (萌) used on Steven - a 40-year-old man. And incidentally, I also don't like Steven posting '萌' photos of himself on weibo either.

Updated: Lau Ka Ho 1/1 18:18 But, Dat gor, "可愛"and "萌"these words, are going to follow you in your lifetime, what to do (點算) [哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]

Like I've said before, Lau Ka Ho and Miu Siu Ching have been very 'chummy' with Steven on weibo, so my guess is that they are wooing Steven to collaborate with them on a tv series. Will see!


  1. huh ? What does it mean? "And incidentally don't like Steven posting '萌' photos of himself on weibo either. "

  2. His 萌(kawaii - cutie pie) pix like those links below, to pick just a few. Steven was most 萌 when he was filming Yuan Yang Pei.

