Tuesday, April 23, 2013

crhk 《起來!大龍鳳!》 4/22/2013

商業電台 《起來!大龍鳳!》
過三關 送Air Time嘉賓︰馬浚偉 22.04.20130
12: 30 am -- 1:30 am
hosts: Wong Hei,  Ho Gei Yau (何基佑) Ho Fei Fung (何飛鳳)

Questions on bus lines, Jordan, Cho Cho, noodle flour, GPS, typhoon sirens, one country 2 systems, hair, USB,

Among the 5 new songs Steven wrote: a friendship song (心照), a love song, and a song for his mother. Listening to 心照, I did wonder if Steven wrong a song for Vivian, so happy for her he did.

Intro: This is a CRHK (Commercial Radio HK) program,  "起來!大龍鳳!" hosted by Wong Hei and his co-hosts 杜光庭Daryl Doo and 何飛鳳 .  The segment from 12:30 am to 1:30 am that Steven was a guest is called "Overcome 3 Obstacles, award air-time" (過三關 送 Air Time).  The participants must get over 4 points to be awarded the remaining airtime of the hour, otherwise, they can still attempt to get the airtime by exposing a hitherto unknown to the public an explosive fact of themselves.

Steven picks a host for a question
- He rolls a dice for a question,
- If rolls a 6 he can have one of the other 2 hosts to help him.
- If rolls another 6, he can bypass the question and automatically awarded a point, regardless.
- If he accumulates 5 points and over after overcoming 3 obstacles of 9 questions in all, he gets the remaining hour for his   own use.
- If the total score is below 5 points, his song is banned from airing.
- To get a second chance to have his song aired in the remaining hour, he can expose a hitherto unrevealed fact of himself that the 3 hosts considered as explosive.

Honestly, the game makes the guest seems desperate. Steven didn't do too well in the beginning, honestly I was a bit apprehensive for him, he would totally lose face had he not gotten above 4 pts.


1 comment:

  1. oh, this program sound excited! waiting for the translation. ^^
