Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lotyef: Original themevideo vs TVB themevideo

tvb original themevideo
Below is the original themevideo

I have to say I do prefer the original themevideo over tvb version.

Song: 乾坤无地不包容「忽必烈传奇」(前名:建元风云)片头主题曲
sung by: Director Tsui Siu Ming
link to complete song 3:16

Director Tsui Fans Weibo bemoans the fact that TVB has artibrarily replaced the original opening themevideo and closing themevideo with their own versions. Most regrettably is that the closing credit has omitted the names of the arts, lighting and makeover crew members, respectively; incredibliy the name of the excutive producer (status equivalent to a producer in HK) has been omitted, too. 2月29日 12:15

12月29日 18:05 Director Tsui's response to the weibo: Film production cast and crew toiled assidously for a long period of time to finish a movie or a TV series, so of course they all hope to have their names imprinted on their work. But unfortunately some tv stations would shorten the credit roll name list or even delete some names altogether. Hope in the future the tv stations would pay more attention to it and make the necessary changes.

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