Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Steven Ma hopes to sign up Fala Chen


repost source: ihktv
Can read the English translation on Jaynestars 

Like most FACE reporting style, this article is purely speculative written with plenty of salt and pepper thrown in to spice up the writing -- though veracity is dubious at least it's not negative press to Steven.

--salient points--
Steven is trying to sign up his 3 'sisters'  Fala  being his 1st choice since she is a free agent, followed by Tavia since her tvb contract renewal is coming up and lastly Linda - tough cos' of her still long contract with TVB.

Steven has talked to Fala about being his leading lady in one of his mvs- a song on sibling love.

A family of spectacles.  lol!
banner creator xusisi850127 at tvb baidu

--- Chinese news below--

隨住王維基宣布搞流動電視, TVB又要開始打仗,不過班當家小生花旦個個養唔熟,連親生仔林峯都隨時約滿走人。

而去年與無綫改簽部頭約的馬浚偉,亦一早搭通內地人脈,獲土豪揼水 3千萬人仔搞工作室,另外每年仲有大嚿錢開劇同簽人,一於同無綫爭花旦。據知馬仔做經理人的頭炮,將會係上年走人、曾經合作過 4套劇的陳法拉。「兩兄妹」拍住上賺人仔,使鬼留喺 TVB日捱夜捱咩?

FACE週刊 第351期:大水喉 土豪揼本爭花旦 馬浚偉搶法拉

caption: 頭號目標 馬浚偉同陳法拉情如兄妹,兩人上月孖住去黃宗澤間蠔吧開餐,順便傾吓合作大計。網上圖片

caption: 約滿無綫後,現時法拉所有工作都由陳慧琳經理人鍾珍幫手接洽。

近年藝人鍾意搞工作室,有自己 label夠威之餘,自由度又夠大。做了一線小生多年的馬浚偉,最近亦獲內地「中港桃園影視傳媒」睇中,投資 3千萬在北京開設「中港桃園馬浚偉工作室」。

caption 2號目標 楊怡今年即將約滿,早前有傳佢會同經理人嘉莉齊齊過檔,但o依家嘉莉留低,楊怡有冇機會簽畀馬仔呢?

caption 長約難撬 鍾嘉欣同馬仔合作無間,可惜嘉欣同 TVB簽咗長約,有排未走得。

caption 網上圖片 「馬浚偉工作室」今年 1月 1日正式開張,預計短期內開始拍劇。

caption 保證有戲開 現與 TVB屬部頭約的馬仔,早前亦為娘家拍劇算係義氣仔女,與楊怡的新劇《守業者》將於下週出街。

上週五( 7日),馬仔接受電話訪問時,承認已同法拉傾過合作計劃,「我都想簽番一啲以前合作過嘅 artist,咁法拉、楊怡、(鍾)嘉欣都係阿妹,當然有興趣啦!法拉前排約滿咗,我同佢初步傾過一次,不過都要等佢放完假返嚟再詳細傾。(楊怡今年約滿,傾咗未?)係咩?以我所知佢同嘉欣都冇咁快喎!」

雖然法拉同馬仔情同兄妹,大有機會傾得成,不過現時暫由陳慧琳經理人鍾珍代接 job的法拉有樣有演技,兼在四川出生講得一口流利普通話,因此極之搶手,盛傳除王維基外,曾志偉亦有興趣將法拉收歸旗下,更有傳連趙薇都曾約佢見面傾合作。

早前法拉放晒風想拍內地劇,更暗示 TVB霸道唔畀佢北上賺人仔,「我喺無綫時冇拍過內地劇,好在嚟緊可以試吓多啲新嘢!我有心理準備接受新挑戰,手頭上都有心水嘅電影、電視劇本,真係未拍先興奮!」對於「阿哥」親自挖角,週一( 10日)法拉則在電話中大耍太極:「現階段所有工作都會由鍾珍幫我 handle,暫時未有同其他單位落實合作計劃!」另一位盛傳同樣未獲公司放人拍內地劇的楊怡今年約滿,可以考慮同法拉一齊黐住「阿哥」搵食喎!

揼水畀馬浚偉的中港桃園影視傳媒,由做過製片人的黃洪做 CEO,而顧問竟然係黃聖依同佢個有米男友楊子。至於馬浚偉的北京工作室,現計劃每年最少開兩套劇及一套電影,其中馬仔已寫好一個電影劇本,更打算親自做導演。又做演員又做導演,分分鐘連經理人都做埋,會唔會分唔到身先?


有傳楊子(左)坐擁 10億身家, 05年開始投資娛樂事業, 09年黃聖依被周星馳起訴私自接 job,當年楊子以 600萬幫緋聞女友贖身,似足小小超同梁洛施。



  1. Steven seems to get along with Fala who has a lot of negative press. What's your opinion on Fala?

    1. Fala started off at a wrong foot in the HK entertainment industry and with her foot in her mouth because of her innate outspokenness that she had yet learned to temper with tact into palatable responses to HK tabloids, hence her negative public image. A celebrity's image only looks as good as what is been reported up by the press. While others may be put off by her outspokenness (now much tempered), it is precisely her honesty that Steven appreciates. Anyway, the more I read about Fala including her weibo entries, the more I begin to appreciate her personality, her drive to cultivate herself and her courage and ambition to pursue her big dreams. I like it too that she is interested in Chinese arts and literature and culture and that she is articulate in her written words. Actually she and Steven have much in common in personality per above.

      Though many people criticized/lamented on her 'unwise' decision to leave TVB before getting the coveted TVB BA award, I rather admire her strong mindset to be able to so blithely discard that supercilious trapping of an award that might or might not have being given to her despite her not been deserving of the ‘best actress' performance of the year. Admittedly, her messy love life at the time might have something to do with her wanting to break ties with TVB and distant herself from HK tabloids.

      As for her acting skill, she has potential as evinced by her very great performance (sans crying scenes) in Ghost Writer (no comments on TITS since I've only watched its 1st 10 episodes). But she needs to improve her crying skill. Though not her fan, I’m rooting for her to do well in her career. Steven uses this 瀟灑 (insouciance) to describe Fala’s personality and I find that apt.

      Of Steven’s ‘sisters’ I like Tavia’s acting the most, no preference between Linda’s and Fala’s. Of their personalities I'm more drawn to Fala’s personality. Honestly, I’m rather neutral to all Steven's sisters - they are his ‘indulgences’ not mine. Haha!

  2. Likewise. The more I read about Fala, she seems to be a practical person. I like her straight forward personality. And, spite of all her "rumors," Steven doesn't stop praising her so only those true to you know.

    Thanks for sharing!
