Thursday, June 5, 2014

2014 5-31 Steven Ma becomes tourists' 'collectible stamp' in Seoul

Recently, in preparation of his upcoming June 12 new music album release, Steven Ma brought along his image consultant to Seoul, S.Korea for a shopping spree to buy new clothes at the time same taking a break to relax from his busy schedules, and to recharge himself for what comes next. Steven said that it was his first time visiting S.Korea and he totally went the tourist route using taxi and subway as his main transportation around town. Steven praised the locals for their friendliness towards tourists.  Despite the language barrier, when asking for directions they all did their best to either explain the directions in limited English to him or lead the way for him.

Because Steven hit the tourist cities of Dongdaemun and Myeongdong popularized by Hong Kong tourists, Steven was quickly recognized by the populace, who requested to have their pictures taken with him. Thus, Steven became a "collectible stamp". Nevertheless, his trip was most fruitful with a bountiful harvest. Besides the shopping spree Steven also partook the local cuisines and delectables including chocolate flavored ice and king crab.  He also visited a Seoul bar but ever mindful of his health, he abstained from alcohol and opted to drink fruit juice in its stead.

above pix credit 蓉蓉細語

The additional songs below are from Cherish1

above 4 pix credit Steven Ma weibo

image consultant Andydaniel

--- Chinese ---

香港文匯報訊 [2014-05-31]

馬浚偉日前偕形象顧問赴韓國,藉此休息數天。馬仔指今次是他首次到韓國,又是首次自遊行,此行目的是購置新裝,心情放鬆,所以他亦平民化沒有租車,主要乘搭的士與地鐵。馬仔又大讚韓國市民對遊客很熱情,雖然言語不通,但問路之時,他們很盡力地用有限的英文去解釋及帶路。而馬仔所到的地方是東大門、明洞這些旅遊熱點,所以撞口撞面都是香港人,其間雖然被人認出及不斷要求合照,但亦無礙行程,而且收穫甚豐 ,買了兩大袋衣物,又大吃大喝,品嚐了朱古力沙冰,長腳蟹等。馬仔其中一晚去首爾酒吧街逛,但因為身體健康問題已開始戒酒,所以在酒吧只飲果汁。

香港文匯報訊 [2014-05-31]
馬浚偉日前偕形象顧問赴韓國,藉此休息數天。馬仔指今次是他首次到韓國,又是首次自遊行,此行目的是購置新裝,心情放鬆,所以他亦平民化沒有租車,主要乘搭的士與地鐵。馬仔又大讚韓國市民對遊客很熱情,雖然言語不通,但問路之時,他們很盡力地用有限的英文去解釋及帶路。而馬仔所到的地方是東大門、明洞這些旅遊熱點,所以撞口撞面都是香港人,其間雖然被人認出及不斷要求合照,但亦無礙行程,而且收穫甚豐 ,買了兩大袋衣物,又大吃大喝,品嚐了朱古力沙冰,長腳蟹等。馬仔其中一晚去首爾酒吧街逛,但因為身體健康問題已開始戒酒,所以在酒吧只飲果汁。

香港成報 2014-05-31 02:11:00 馬浚偉遊韓大掃貨

而馬仔所到的地方是東大門、明洞這些旅行熱點,所以撞口撞麵都是香港人,其間雖然被人認出及不斷要求合照,但亦無礙行程,而且收穫甚豐;買了兩大篋衣物,又大吃大喝,品嚐了美味的朱古力沙冰,長腳蟹等等。馬仔其中一晚去到首爾酒吧街逛,大開眼界,但因為身體健康問題已開始戒酒,所以在酒吧隻飲果汁。馬仔說: 今次是他首次到韓國,又是首次自遊行,對韓國印象不錯,下次有時間亦會再到韓國旅行。

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