Thursday, June 19, 2008

Joyce Koi 's 3rd time collaboration with HK Chinese orchestra

Tamaya@AF#542 Posted 16 June 2008 - 10:43 PM

[2008-05-29] Joyce Koi & Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 3rd time collaboration to perfom in Hong Kong Cultural Center from 25/6/2008 - 29/6/2008. This is their 3rd time collaborating. Joyce invited her good friend, Steven Ma, to be her special guest for the concert. They will sing a Cantonese opera duet, 鳳閣恩仇未了. Yesterday, they rehearsed their duet for the first time.

The week prior, Steven has had a stomach flu. He joked that during the rehearsal he felt like throwing up. Joyce quipped, "Did I make you feel like throwing up?" Still a month away from opening night, Joyce revealed that she, herself, had already started rehearsing, but that, Steven, because of his illness, just got started yesterday. This wasn't their first collaboration; they collaborated last year for stage performances held in Canada. At that time, they sang a Cantonese Opera duet. Accompanied by the Chinese orchestra, their duet went without a hitch during the actual performance.

----Chinese news  and fans' photos ---

source: a random blogger

盖鸣辉义演为灾民献爱心 马浚伟到场彩排
新浪娱乐讯 盖鸣晖将于6月底在文化中心举行音乐会,这次是盖鸣晖第三度与香港中乐团合作,还邀得马浚伟担任嘉宾,到时两人会合唱《凤阁恩仇未了情》。昨日(5月28日)两人在排练室彩排,有媒体询问马浚伟心情是否紧张?他说:“有一点点啦,其实今天我不舒服,起初以为自己感冒,原来是胃炎,已经看了医生。”盖鸣晖便笑谓:“我以为你见到我想吐呢!”

而盖鸣晖表示曾试过演出前出错,幸好中乐团指挥家阎惠昌帮助她重新再来音乐,她称演出失声是最辛苦的事,所以要好好保重身体。此外,盖鸣晖表示6月5日八和会馆将于新光戏院为四川灾民义演一场。有媒体问她私下有捐款吗?她称5月16日义演了一场筹得20多万,而她私人则捐了4万元。source: link 2008 may 29

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