Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Foreword - Rejuvenation Society

Note: 2nd foreword in图文并谬

Chung Hui Ling
In 2003, Steven Ma (Xiao Ma Ge)’s publishing company published Steven Ma’s True Tales of Society book series. The 2nd book in the series is “I Am a Relative of a Sick Patient.” An employee of his company, Ms. Liew Sin Yee, visited "再生會"* (Regeneration Society) hoping to get some firsthand materials on the patients and their families for their book.

I am a Lupus erythematosus patient who understands firsthand that to combat their illnesses, patients must possess both a strong and tenacious will to live and the support of their families. It was through Ms. Liew that I met Xiao Ma Ge.

He is a very amiable person, and very solicitous to the patients. I invited him once to my house for a meal. We talked for a few hours, only then did I know his mother was a chronic patient, too; no wonder he was so knowledgeable on the caretaking of a chronic patient.

Xiao Ma Ge is young but his thinking is very mature, very precocious; his demeanor is solid and steady, and well-grounded. I admire him very much; admire that besides working in entertainment, he also publishes books of cultural genre with his own money and effort. And that he serves up bowl after bowl of soul soups to each and everyone who needs concern and encouragement.

Xiao Ma Ge has invited me to write a foreword for his book; subsequently sending in a copy of his manuscript for my preview. In “Familial Love Remembered”, I sensed his filial piety, and of his remembrance of his late mother.

“Though the person is gone, but the feelings linger,” makes me all the more appreciative of my time with my family.

But reading another essay “I am a Salesman” gives off a different feel. Xiao Ma Ge has accomplished much in the entertainment circle, but prior to entering the circle, he had worked in myriad jobs. He feels that regardless of the line of work, first and foremost, one must respect one’s job, and be committed to making something out of it; only then can one engender respect from other people.

His personal experiences rendered him the importance of self-respect and hard work. Xiao Ma Ge’s life wisdom today is arduously gained and sharpened from all the hard knocks experiences learned from the University of Society.

I feel that he is a good role model to the youths.

This book of prose essays is highly readable. Through his essays, I feel that Xiao Ma Ge has his own very distinct way of interpreting events and things. He is already very industrious in his entertainment work, but still he finds time to write during his spare time; he is truly a man of high aspirations and determination.

Here’s hoping he will continue moving forward on the cultural road, using his exquisite writings to depict more genuine feelings and concerns.

**Footnote: "再生會"* (Regeneration Society) A non-profit society established in 1991 May. Its charter is to help chronic and cancer patients confront their illness, overcome adversities and to reclaim their health.

Translator: Tamaya
Source: Steven Ma's 图文并谬
2nd foreword

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