Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank You, Luot, You Know Me Quite Well!

謝謝 luot,很懂我呢!
2009-03-19 00:30
source:steven ma yahoo blog

I've liked Steven for a long time now, have watched many of his series; all different characters, but always exuding freshness and naturalness. Duke of Mt. Deer is his earlier work. He had just started acting in tv series. Still very green around the edges. He himself had said he did not know how to act then. But what we see on screen is an extremely real and captivating Siu Yun Ji. I guess this is in part due to his own clean personality closely resembling young Hong Hei's then; therefore evoking a divine, dreamy kind of charisma that lured us.

Young Hong Hei’s shoulders carries a heavy burden of responsibilities, naturally ‘aging’ him beyond his real age. However, his juvenile’s spirit cannot be entirely suppressed. And Steven at the time, clean/pure and decent plus his greenness fitted the quality substance of 气质 of such a teen disposition. But resided inside him is righteousness that can erupt as kingly aggressiveness / forcefulness. Steven became Hong Hei, summarily transported into an ancient era to later transforming into a shrewd and enlightened emperor. Through a gesture, a smile, knitting of brows and bodily movements, he effortlessly and naturally brought forth a real life young Hong Hei before us.

Chin Ka Chun in Steps is quite similar to Chuen Ka Fuk in that he is not a typical serious, heroic protagonist but a regular joe (xiu yan mat) , and not a little bit frivolous, at that. Similarly clad in western suit, Chin Ka Chun differs from Tong Chi-Ko’s solid respectability. When I see Chin's wicked smile 坏笑, I almost swoon.

Tong Chi-Ko in TBOL exudes righteousness; suave and elegant he views evil as archenemy. He is also astute and resourceful. He is very responsible toward his family; tolerant and accommodating. He’s faithful to love yet not wishy-washy. A good man, a good big brother; a quintessential, classic tv series protagonist. This kind of character though good, can easily come across as being wooden and masklike. But his portrayal was convincing and very warm. (亲切)

Steven is truly like what he said, which is portraying each and every character with his heart. He invoked and fully portrayed his characters’ eccentricities and traits without contrivances and without overacting but with a natural fung lao (自然的风流)。He is a very 灵气 actor.

But, no matter how good Steven is, in the beginning, I truly didn’t want to fall in (be captured, to succumb). I’ve watched his interviews; I do not like the Hong Kong media noisy style. I didn’t want to fall into the pain of pursuing a star 追星, to live vicariously through that person’s ups and downs. Too tiring! (san fu) I struggled for a long time, finally it’s Steven’s own person that helped me choose. He’s a genuine and bighearted person. His eyes shine with enthusiasm for his work and passion for life, but without consumed by the pursuit of fame and wealth; all very sunshine (yong kwong)/ (open) and transparent /clear. And so I’m reassured. I know he understands the real meaning of life (living). Regardless of the ups and downs in his career, he will live life with optimism and sincerity.

This, is his off screen 自然风流

Steven's fn*
I just read the above article on baidu. I didn’t transfer the article here just because of her but because she seems to understand me quite well, especially this phrase: 自然風流. Haha! I accept it. So, besides thank you, also want to share. Hopefully, lout and you all would not mind! 4th Brother.

--- more --- in Chinese





而 马浚伟当时纯净善良,又有一点初入行的青涩,非常符合十几岁少年的气质。但他内心的正气又使得他可以爆发出帝王霸气。他把自己变成了康熙,想像着进入那个 古色古香的时代,成为了那个令后世仰望的千古明君,然后,看似随意地通过一颦一笑,一举手一投足自然流畅地把一个俏生生的小康熙呈现在我们面前。




《突 围行动》中,唐志高一身正气,外型帅气潇洒、风度翩翩,内心嫉恶如仇,又机智善谋。他对待家庭非常有责任感,宽容忍让,对爱情忠贞,又不拖泥带水。是个难 得的好男人、好大哥,也是电视里典型的正面人物。这样的人物虽好,却容易让人觉得死板、脸谱化。但他演来却让人信服,非常亲切。






*以上這文是我剛在白度吧看到的,不是因為他讚美我而轉貼,而是他好像真的挺懂我的,特別是一句自然風流,哈哈,我認了。所以,道謝之外,也來個分享,希望luot和大家都不介意!  四哥

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