Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tribute to the Martial Arts Instructors


In a TV series production, besides the producer, director and cast, there is also a large group of behind-the-scenes distinguished ‘ministers’ (gong san) participants before the series can be successfully completed!

Let’s put aside the section on editing and post production work; just within the video camera crew itself (outdoor set and studio set) there are the video cameraman, the video camera assistant, the lighting specialist, the audio specialist, FM, the stage manager, the prop manager and so on and so forth. And then, there is another huge group of colleagues such as the makeup artists, the hair & wardrobe artists, (generally known as the makeover artists) who help us artistes looked our best, and of course can’t forget to mention our very own image consultants and the whole group of scriptwriters and the coordinators colleagues, etc.

Just counting these people, their total number is not small.

Yet, there is still another group of behind-the-scenes heroes that I especially want to address; they are the ‘martial arts troupe’ brothers!

When making a series, thespians are frequently required to fight. In scenes that require risky or difficult moves, most times, the martial arts director will arrange for martial arts instructors to act as the body doubles for the thespians! Unless we have martial arts background or we are the so-called "red trousers” apprentices therefore capable of the moves; otherwise, to have us thespians do these risky or difficult moves, even working through the night until dawn, the shoot most probably will still not get done!

Actually, the people and the division of labor in the entire martial arts/stunt troupe are quite extensive. As far as I know, besides the martial arts instructors, assistant instructors, and the stuntmen, there are the ‘wire’ troupe, the ‘explosion’ troupe, the ‘racing cars stunts’ troupe etc. Anyway, whatever is needed will be there, and at all levels of difficulty.

Just that this group of behind-the-scenes heroes are sometimes truly ‘behind the scenes’.

The stuntmen faced difficult and risky moves everyday. Perhaps they have gotten used to it. To them: “Getting hurt is quite normal; bleeding is no big deal!” I do not exaggerate! Just within my short 10-year immersion in this industry, what I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, there’re too many to count! When a stuntman sometimes got hurt as my body double, I really felt bad. Because when the series aired, what the audience sees was me doing the powerful martial arts moves, not them. Which is why, deep in my heart, I always have this utmost respect and gratitude towards the martial arts/stunt troupe brothers!

Today, I write this entry to pay tribute to our group of stuntmen! And to upload some of their photos here, to let everyone get to know this group of ‘shed blood not tears’ group of ‘behind-the-scenes heroes’.

steven ma yahoo blog

--- more---- Chinese 






↑小姜 (是夜在"天機算"的一場戲中當我的替身,辛苦了!)

↑(左起)佬仔, 阿榮, 十仔, 阿博.

↑(左起)大象, 阿奇(道具組)

↑(左)韓平(中)"大師兄"徐忠信;突圍行動和天機算的動作導演 右為我的舊同事兼朋友maggie.
要拍攝一部电視劇, 除了監製, 導演, 演員之外, 其實還有一大羣幕後功臣的参與, 一部劇集的製作才得以完成!

先 別說後期製作剪輯部份, 單是說攝影組(外景/廠景), 就已涇有攝影師, 攝影助手, 燈光師, 收音師, FM, 劇務, 道具手足等, 還有一大幫把我們演員弄得帥氣到極的化粧師, 髮型師和戲服組同事(簡稱梳化服), 當然不能不提我們的形象設計師和一衆編劇和負責統籌的同事等!
光是數到這兒, 人數已經不少!

但, 有一羣幕後英雄, 我真的要特別一提, 就是"武術組"的一衆師兄弟!
演員拍戲, 很多時候都會遇上一些武打, 有危险性和高難度動作場面, 在大部份情况下, 武術動作導演都會為演員安排一個"武師"當演員的替身!

我們當演員的, 除非有武術根底, 又或是由所謂"紅褲仔"出身的, 倒會有点身手! 否則, 要我們去挑戰一些高難度或高危動作, 恐怕真的拍到天亮也沒拍完!

其實, 整個武術特技組所牽涉的部門和分工可真不少! 據我所知, 除了武術指導, 副指, 武師, 還有「威也」組, 「火药爆破」組, 「飛車特技」等, 總之, 應有盡有, 要多難有多難!
只是, 這群幕後英雄, 有時真的很「幕後」!

當" 武師"的,  每天都是面對著一些高難高危動作, 也許他們都習慣了, 對他們來說, 「受傷從來很平常, 流血根本是閒事」! 我一点都沒誇張! 就在我入行後這短短十多年, 看過聽過的, 都已數不清! 有時候, 當"武師"是因為要當我的替身而受傷, 我真的會感到很不好受, 因為當戲劇播出時, 觀衆所看到那個武功高強的是我, 而不是他們, 所以, 一直以來, 我對武術特技組的各師兄弟, 心內總暗存著一份尊重, 一份感激!

今天, 我寫這篇網誌, 就是要向我們的一眾"武師"致敬! 也把部份他們的照片upload上來, 讓大家認識一下這群流血不流淚的「幕後英雄」!

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