Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Book - What is “Good”?

Look up the definition of ‘good’ in a dictionary. The primary meaning is thus: of superior quality, giving satisfaction, opposite of ‘bad’. When ‘good’ is positioned differently in a sentence, or pronounced differently, or used in context with other words, its underlying meaning is adaptable. That ‘good’ varies is not difficult to understand. The exception is when it is placed before the word ‘people’ or after ‘not’, respectively, that aroused my misgivings of its usage.

Who are good people? Who are bad? I will not presume to judge. Whether a person is deemed good or not is an arbitrary judgment made by other people based on their own points of view. Furthermore, does this kind of opinionated judgment on good vs not good realistically depict the whole truth? Good person, not good person; how to differentiate?

A man, let’s call him Good Person, had parents, a wife and children. He was filial to his parents and responsible to his family. As the breadwinner, he worked ceaselessly and tirelessly. Despite his fatigue, he did it all without complaints. He was law-abiding and decent, and looked upon taking care of his family his primary duty. In the eye of friends and relatives, he was a good son, a good husband and a good father.

One day, Good Person’s company suddenly closed down. The responsible party had absconded. Besides losing his job, his back wages were lost, too. Suddenly, a low-income but warm home laid heavily as a burden on Good Person’s shoulders. He looked everywhere for a job but was met with brick walls everywhere. Overwhelmed with quickly diminishing savings and amounting debts, on top of his joblessness, he became disheartened and took to drinking for solace. However, despite their increasing hardship, he always presented a cheerful bravado before his family as he did not want them to worry. He, was still a good person. But leaking roof does heighten stormy weathers. Months passed, he still could not find a job. His sense of self-capability and pride were greatly eroded, and he soon lost his self-confidence. Because of their financial straits, the couple began to bicker incessantly over minute stuff. His parents were often sick because of old age. His wife’s sole financial support was not enough. And his children were at their most rebellious stage and often got into trouble. All these were like relentless surges of waves cresting over him. A once harmonious and loving home soon became discordant and contentious. Gradually, he gave up looking for a job and took to gambling. He drifted on the streets and drank his days away. He was like a walking zombie, totally neglecting his responsibility towards his family.

He, was no longer a good person. His parents, one after the other, died of illness. His wife, brokenhearted over Good Person’s self-abuse, took the children and left him. Abandoned by family and friends, he finally collapsed. Good Person’s heart died…

Good Person, looking disheveled and clutching a beer bottle in his hand, appeared on a bustling town center. He sat by the road, head hung and still. An old man passed by. Out of curiosity, he asked him why the downcast visage. He returned with a question, “Do you have regrets?” The old man smiled but did not answer. He asked, “If you could re-live the past, what would you do differently?” At hearing this, tears streamed down his face and choking with sobs, he said: “If I could re-live the past, I wish I could go back to my previous home and take care of my parents, love my wife and raise my children well. No matter how tough or how tiring, I would be contented….” So overwhelmed with wracking sobs, he could not finish his sentence. The old man sighed and said, “Too bad the past cannot be turned back. But hearing you words, you are still a good person.” Saying thus, the old man turned and walked away.

Good Person was lost in sorrows, reminiscing the past, but alas the past cannot be changed. He, wordlessly asked heaven. , 無語問蒼天 (title of a Beyond's song youtube)

source: 圖文並謬 pp56-57
Translator: Tamaya

無語問蒼天  by Beyond

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