Thursday, November 10, 2011

2011 tvb sales presentation night - only Steven Ma & Fala Chen portion

F: We shot what advertisements?
S: Huh?
F: Bridal wear… Eating advertisement is good
F: We both can eat.
S: But so fattening
F: The happy kind commodities

R: Recently there have flash dating, flash marriage, flash birth. Wonder if Fala will follow the trend?

F: No, first it must rain, then must have thunder, only then can choose lightning, right?
S: Wah! Your answer is so lame.
F: This answer is such a lame gag.
S: Well, yeah, quite lame.
F: Sorry, sorry!

S: Flash marriage… I think on the outside it might have seemed like lightning, but I believe the relationship between them must have gone through a period of gradual nurturing to have come to the marriage stage. For now, both Fala and I have our career as top priority.

Fala: Also it depends on destiny (yuan fen), time, and xxx(?)
S: There will be.

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