A few weeks ago I posted the below post 03 November 2010 about how very proud I was of my fellow baidu steven ma fans with their donation of school supplies to a needy school in China on behalf of SM baidu fans and in Steven's name. I'm proud to say they have continued with their charity donations in the name of Steven Ma; this time they donated books in a charity event held by baidu website open to the public. see pictures sm baidu

on 11/28/2010 23:49 Steven posted this entry see post 935 entry belatedly thanking his fans for yet another charity act done in his name.
To think I did not even notice that little piggies had done something so meaningful.. I am truly moved! 4th Brother is so proud to have brothers and sisters like you all. Regardless of where you are, compassion links our hearts together! Thank you to all of you!
Posted 03 November 2010 - 10:22 AM

more pictures on baidu steven ma
So proud of our fellow Baidu Steven Ma fans. On June 1st (international children's day) they organized donations from SM fans to buy school supplies for poor students living in a mountainous village. Yesterday, on behalf of Baidu Steven Ma fans and in the name of Steven Ma, tvb actor, a representative finally handed the stuff to the teacher liaison of the school. The heartwarming and moving pictures are posted in baidu. The award certificates presented to the essay winners as encouragement for their scholarly excellence are previously penned by Steven himself.
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