Sunday, April 17, 2011

weibo 4/17 - Giant B, Hiko!

4/17 12:13
The B (baby) in my arms is called Hiko. He's my friends', Ah Fai and Yoko's B.  He weighed 7-1/2 lbs at birth, and though only slightly more than a month's old, his weight and size are that of a half year old baby's.  Definitely a 'giant B'.  Also we all teased that he is a chubby B with his chin stuck to his chest.  If giving him a bath must first separate the rolls of fat to wash in between them. haha!  Anyway, Hiko, here's wishing you to quickly grow up to be big and strong, healthy and happy.  And be a filial and good person when you grow up ya!

我懷中這個B叫Hiko, 是我朋友啊輝和Yoko的首個B! 這個Hiko,出生重七磅半,现在才一個多月,但體重和體形已像半歲多,絕對是"巨B"一名!而且,我們都笑他是一個下巴貼著胸口的肥B,要幫他洗澡,絕對要將他的肥肉一摺一摺的反起來洗才行呢!哈哈!無論如何,Hiko,祝你快高長大,健康快樂,長大後要做個孝顺的好人啊!

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