5/3 13:17 My photography work (2), mail box. As technology advances, many old stuff are slowly being forgotten, including sentiment. Remember those days when checking on it daily to see if that expected letter had arrived or not. Holding the letter, looking at that dear and familiar handwriting, the letter's content, the paper's scent, all so real!
我的摄影作品⑵ 【信箱】当科技愈发达,许多旧日的事物也会逐渐被遗忘,包括情怀。还记得每天去看看它、看看一直期盼的信件送到了没的岁月。拿著信纸,看著既亲切又熟悉的笔迹,信中的内容、信纸的气味,多麽实在!
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