Sunday, May 15, 2011

weibo 5/15 Teacher Fung on AP

Yes, I agree with 馮智翔 .  Undoubtedly, Steven is very courageous to get out of his comfort zone of singing and acting, and to so boldly put his hitherto latent cooking and hosting talents on the line (not to mention his image and reputation too) so publicly in a completely untried and untested waters where failure can be judged almost instantaneously. Besides courage, it also takes much resourcefulness, vision and imagination, and of course, lots of laborious effort, and coordinations with other people to pioneer his very own culinary show. The success of his two previous shows is very encouraging. You go, Steven. Never mind AP's outcome but just the fact that you initiated this show and making it worked already made me very proud to be your fan. You're a very good role model to me and to your fans. Best wishes and good luck to 2nd season Apprentice Chef. Here's to high ratings!! 

Steven truly practices what he preaches per his  maxims in his weibo.
Recall maxim 15: I never allow myself to have no choice, if a person has no choice, it makes a painful situation. Therefore, in circumstances that I can control, can change, I will create ‘choice’, and there is only one way, that is to add value to your worth. If you are willing to give of yourself and efforts, choices are right in front of you.

TN:  Yes, take stock of my own talents and abilities and make them work for me.  All I need are the courage to make the first more, the belief in myself.

5/15 20:18 @ 馮智翔  I snapped that shot directly from the tv.

5/15  20:08 Steven:  I like this photo a lot, Teacher Fung!  我很喜歡這照片啊馮老師!

5/15 19:39@ 馮智翔  Ma Zai, just finished watching new season AP's 1st episode, truly admire you, whether it is courage, effort, hard work, performance, or entertainment, all were given 100%!   Very fun to watch, laughed until tears flowed! Must give big praise!

馮智翔 is a HK author and teacher.

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