Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If you had a 100 hkd, what would you do with it?

 [110815](commercial radio) Babami afternoonD happy 100 hkd


There is one such healthy person, all you gor gor jie jie will listen to him.  Ma Zai's image has always been healthy, and his tv series ratings are good too, and also he like sports. Why not let Ma Zai tell you how to be even more happy.

Hello, I'm Ma Chun Wai.  One way a $100 will make me happy is to use half of its $50 to rent a badminton court. Should be able get an hour with it.  But within that one hour, happiness does not just belong to me, need to find a partner and opponents.  Together with me will at least have 4 people happy together.  Of course, if want to have more, 8 people is fine too.  Can only play 21 minutes for each game.  Per our standard and speed one hour can play many games.  So, many people can be happy together.  Instead of just myself be happy why not share the happiness with other people. So it is quite a deal to use the $50 to rent a badminton court.  And the remanding $50 can be used to buy lots of water and a big bar of chocolate because hitting balls can take a toll on the body, so everyone will eat some.  This one hour is both healthy and happy. Win or lose is secondary, I believe this $100 is well spent.

Customarily, to make myself happy, I will look at stuff that I like, like audio equipment or cameras, not necessarily to buy.  Or go ride a bike, do some exercise, of course, playing badminton makes me the most happy.  I will certainly go do something that I enjoy.  If my mood is low, I will do what I just said.  Just looking at it will make me feel happier.

Besides playing badminton what other stuff that is tiring but still makes you happy?
Shooting a series is of course tiring but when you feel the excitement of a scene and the lines are good, and your performance is just how you envisioned it to be, or maybe everybody thinks it is good, that kind of happiness will make up for the hardship of filming. Of course, when the viewers tell you that they like it, it adds on the happiness.

Honestly, cooking is tiring.  If I cook at home, after cooking I won't feel like eating because I am sweaty all over, no appetite to eat. The smell of grease and smoke make my whole body stink.  But seeing friends eating so happily, and they heap praises on you, and take photos nonstop, so beautiful ah, and then share them on facebook, weibo, and seeing them not wasting any leftovers, that kind of happiness is well worth the effort.

My definition for happiness is "if I'm not unhappy then I'm happy."  I am naturally high. I can be easily pleased if nothing particular happens.  Nothing unhappy happens to me,  I am already happy for that.  Recently I was very happy to go on a long biking trip.  It was a whole day trip, from morning until dusk, and then dinner. That day I don't know why but I felt very happy. Along the way, looking at passing scenery, under the sun, even though becaming sunburn. From Dai Yuan to Dai Po -  a round trip biking,  That day I was very relaxed and happy, and moreover no need to spend money because I have my own bicycle.  To rent a bicycle is not expensive anyway. It's easy to make oneself happy.

Hello, 我是馬浚偉。$100換取一個令我最快樂的方法,一定是將其中的$50租用羽毛球場,應該可以租用一小時。但在一小時內,快樂不只是屬於自己的,因為要找 拍檔和對手。把自己也算上,最少有四個人一起快樂。當然,如果想要再多一些,八個人也可以。每個賽局只打21分,以我們的水準和速度,一小時內應該可以打 很多局,所以應該有很多人可以一起快樂。與其自己快樂,不如一起快樂,所以用這$50租用球場是很划算的。而剩下的$50就可以買很多水,和買一排巧克 力,因為打球會消耗很多體力,每人可以吃一粒。這一小時又健康又快樂,勝負是其次,但我相信這$100會用得很有價值。




說 真的,煮東西是辛苦的。如果我在家裡煮東西,煮完以後通常都不吃的,因為全身都是汗,沒胃口吃。油煙加上汗水,全身都是臭的。但看到朋友們吃得很開心,他 們贊你,不停拍照,好美啊,然後分享到facebook,微博,然後看到他們一點都不想浪費,那種快樂也是能抵銷的。

我現在開心的定義 是「我沒甚麼不開心就很開心」。我自己是很natural high,沒甚麼特別的事,自己隨時都可以很開心,沒有不開心的我已經很開心。最近很開心的就是踏了一次長途單車,是全日的,由早上到夜晚,然後吃晚飯。 那天不知道為甚麼我是非常快樂,在過程裡看風景,曬太陽,雖然脫皮了。由大圍到大埔,這樣來回的踏單車。那天我覺得很輕鬆很愉快,又不用花錢,因為我自己 有單車,而租單車也不貴。要令自己快樂很簡單。

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