Friday, November 11, 2011

Embrace changes

Tamaya's "Today's Gift" daily meditation

Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations. -- Faith Baldwin
Change surrounds us. It lies within us, too. The trees in the yard have changed. They've grown taller. Their leaves die and scatter on the ground in the fall. We don't resemble our baby pictures much any more, either. Like trees, we've grown up. As babies, we couldn't walk. But we learned to run, ride bikes, go out alone to movies and parties.

Some changes we don't notice while they're going on. The snow melts; the birds fly south; our hair grows a little every day. Other changes startle us. A best friend moves away. Perhaps a favorite grandparent dies. These changes we wish hadn't happened, and we have to remember that change is an natural as breathing. We can't keep it from happening, but we can trust that change never means to harm us. It's a sign we're growing up.

What changes may occur today?

TN: Embrace the changes you face or may face with optimism and courage.
Steven, good luck on your break from TVB and onto new endeavors.
Ga yao! Steven and everybody.

Steven's homesickness (weibo) prompted my choice of Today's Gift. 

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