Monday, December 19, 2011

weibo 12/19

Remember all the little bits and piece of things other people did for you even if they were minute like insignificant dust given and received are all favors if those people who are not willing or do not easily utter thank you if say thanks for big favors are inexpressible then what about small favors ne put down pride be nicer to other people is to be nicer to oneself  letting go a little will see a more beautiful tomorrow  stepping back a step will walk a longer road

TN: I was one of the many who didn't get the real meaning of this entry although some readers did when they mentioned why there wasn't any punctuation.  Much later, Steven said the whole paragraph is up to how you want to punctuate it.

記住別人為你付出過的一點一滴 那怕細如微麈 付過 受過 都是恩 當下的人 太不願 也不敢輕易向別人說句謝謝 若說大恩不言謝 那小恩呢 放下無謂的自尊 對別人好一點 也就對自己好一點 放開些 會看到更美好的明天 讓一步 能走的路 更遠

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