Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 1/08 taishan fan's report

Steven sang 3 songs: A Little Story, WTLB themesong, Zhong Guo Ren (Chinese people)

After finishing his performance Steven goes backstage.  We all stand up getting ready to leave too though the show has not ended yet.  Other people have the same idea too as many also stand up getting ready to leave albeit the grand prize drawing of a new car is yet to commence. Reality is that honest. Guess the main draw of the show is Steven not the new car. 
Zita's account of 2012 @ New Avon's 22nd Glorious Anniversary

Condensed paraphrase of Zita’s report.
We (about 10 of us) got there at around 6 pm (tn: start time was 8 pm). Nobody is there yet. We talked the security guard into letting us inside the auditorium, and with nobody to fight with, we saved some good seats. Later, a staff informs us that Steven is almost here. We all rushed outside to the main entrance and see a black van drive by. My cohorts say they saw Steven inside the van but no matter how I looked I couldn’t. We ask the staff if Steven enters by the side door and he says yes. So we quickly dashed over there where a large crowd has already gathered. We are told that Steven has already disembarked from the van and is inside the building now. Through the glass walls I see Steven surrounded by his entourage walking down the hallway. He has on a brown jacket, muffler, jeans and boots.

Together with the crowd we all followed Steven on the hallway but we did not call him to get his attention, just silently following him. That man walks fast, real fast, like flying. We are running but can’t even keep up with him. Finally, he enters a transparent room. Steven turns his head, at seeing us he waves and smiles. I try to snap some pictures but for some reason there are these two women who stand right in front him blocking my view of him. So annoying! Haiz! But later, my phone rings, two other fans have just arrived at the main entrance, and I go pick them up. When we three get back to the previous place it is empty of people; no Steven, no little piggies. My phone rings again, turns out that Steven is taken to another room for the interim before his performance. And my group has returned to the auditorium to wait for the show to start at 8 pm.

And our waiting begins. It is not until 10 pm or so that Steven finally comes out. The MC sure knows how to heighten the ambience with excitement. We start to holler: Ma Chun Wai, Ma Chun Wai…… until Steven finally comes out on the stage. However, inexplicably I did not notice him getting on the stage, when I look he was already there. I can hear him speak but I don’t remember what he said. So here I am; left hand clutching the phone with YY on for live broadcast, right hand holding up the camera to snap pictures.

In all, Steven sings 3 songs – A Little Story, Siu Zhong Sin (WTLB themesong) and Zhong Guo Ren (The Chinese People). During Steven’s singing, Tsui Jie comes over to where we snap pictures. Haha! So we ask if we could take pictures with Steven after his performance. Tsui Jie says that Steven will leave right away his performance so she suggests we look for his van and wait there for him. When Steven finishes his performance and says his goodbye and walks into the backstage, we all stand up getting ready to leave. Seeing us, people behind us also get off their seats to leave, not waiting for the show to end. People are so realistic wo! Obviously most have come to see Steven in person. Not even the grand prize of a brand new compact car that is yet to be given away can make them stay if Steven is leaving. Heehee! But Tsui Jie tells us that Steven has to stay back to present the prizes. She suggests a few of us go look for Steven’s van while the rest stay back. So Ting Ting and I decide to look for the van. We go to the parking lot and separately look for his van. After searching high and low the parking lot/garage, search and search and getting desperate by the minute, I finally found the van parked in front of the main entrance. Haiz! And so I wait by the van. But later Jun2, Chen2, & Lulu they all walk away to join me by the van. They say they could not see Steven anymore. Maybe he has left already by another door. Doubt surges through our minds, maybe this black van is not even Steven’s since I had only caught a glimpse of it when it came. While still wondering, we suddenly hear Jun2’s mom standing by the main entrance yelps.

We all rushed to her and aiya, there Steven is, on the stage. He and the others are getting ready to draw lots and present the prizes. Regrets! How come we were so dumb waiting for him outside while he is still inside and on the stage to boot. We just got inside when Steven walks towards us, actually, walks towards the prize car. Steven is the grand prize presenter. Standing so close to Steven, my heart starts to do somersaults again. We begin to yell: 4th Brother, 4th Brother…! Hearing us, Steven looks at us and smiles. Swoon!

At all times, Steven is surrounded by a large entourage. After presenting the prizes, Steven goes back inside the stage. For sure now, he must be preparing to leave. We tried to follow him but the security guard stopped us. So instead we all rushed out to his van to wait for him. Later, Hillman (tvb manager) comes out. He tells us that Steven will leave by the entrance where he first disembarked.

Through the glass walls, once again see Steven by the door getting reading to step outside. At this moment, a big crowd has again gathered by the door. A staff tells us we can take pictures with Steven now. We are all very happy to hear that. Steven walks away from the door toward us and we all start to yell 4th Brother, 4th Brother. Steven sees us and warmly says, “Guai la. Hearing you all called me 4th Brother, know that you are little piggies.” And then he walks to the middle of our group and asks: “Which of you have YY on? I saw your live yy messages on the weibo.” I hold up my phone and say “me, I have yy on.” (Can’t remember if I handed the phone to Steven or he just spoke into the phone, but must be I handed the phone over to him.) Anyway, Steven holds the phone and say: Wei, wei, how are you?” or something like this, I can’t remember. Because it is so noisy here so don’t know if you all could hear him or not. After a while, he hands the phone back to me. And we begin to have our pictures taken with him. After the group picture, for some reason, the crowd becomes chaotic and rowdy. People stretch out their hands wanting to shake Steven’s hand. So there are this cluster of disembodied waving hands stretching in front of Steven hoping to somehow grab/touch his hand, can’t tell who they belong too because there are so many. Staying by the side, one hand with the camera, the other hand with the phone, I have no hand left to shake with Steven. Hiaz! When I managed to free one hand, a group of people are already requesting for hugs. …I see a person giving him a bear hug. (not from our group) Pretty soon, the crowd presses against Steven, crowding him. All wanting to hug him. The security guards become nervous and quickly separated Steven from his fans, rushing him into the waiting van.  Even as he strides quickly to his van, everybody is still hollering they want hugs from him. Steven says guai, guai, guai, and pats a girl’s head as he passes her by. (Later someone posted in the fansite saying I shook somebody's hand but not sure if it was Steven's. Haiz!)

When he is inside the van, Steven rolls down the window and chats to us. And then separately, everybody says: “4th Brother, we all miss you..” Steven must have been very happy to hear that because he keeps saying ‘guai la, guai la”. (good girl/boy) And then everybody starts to introduce herself: I’m who and who…Steven says you all tell me who you are on weibo ba. I say to Steven: I’m Lam Lam. Steven says: You’re Lam Lam ah..” And I don’t remember what comes after that. And then Steven’s van drives away. We all yelled Bon Voyage! Drive carefully! And other well wishes. Sort of hear Steven replying OK. And so and so finally Steven’s van is gone. I feel like I’m in a trance. How did Steven’s van leave? Did he drive the van? What? (tn: confirm with a random weibo who posted a pix of Steven’s van that a driver did the driving, not Steven. Not sure if the van is his own or just a company van. And so the event has finally come to an end, a very satisfactory end. Thank you to Jun Jun who made this trip possible, helping us made all the necessary arrangements. Thank you, 4th Brother. He is so nice.

One more thing, when the van starts to move, someone in front of me yell: 3rd Prince (WTLB) be careful on the road. Come again to Taishan.

below------fan's report in Chinese ---

记第三次参加四哥活动 2012年 1月 台山

于 种种原因,这次活动非常的匆忙,得知有通告的时间比较晚,没来得及做好充分的准备,一直在纠结是否可以去,因为得知是在星期天晚上,第二天要上班,然后获 得地点在郊区,种种因素,本来已经放弃。不过处于绝望的时候看到有位非常热情的台山小猪君君,她说她是四哥的粉丝,愿意为我们做导游安排好台山的一切,包 括吃住行,更重要的是还有现场门票!各种感谢!感谢!如果没有她相信我们最后都没有机会可以到现场欣赏四哥的演出!

Balalala,废 话不多说,直奔主题,我们8号下午陆续在台山会合,然后我们商量着带点什么礼物给四哥,纠结了半天之后看到一个非常可爱的叮当陶瓷,决定我们一起买下送给 四哥,由于是陶瓷的,不知道四哥带回家之后小叮当有没有被摔坏,交给四哥的时候忘了告诉四哥这东东易碎。。。。囧。

嗯, 到了现场了,我们6点多一点就赶到现场,这时候那边还没什么人,经过和门口的工作人员各种磨合,我们终于提前入场,霸到一个很不错的位置。我们就开始等 待,然后貌似又工作人员告诉我们四哥快到了,噗噗,我们立马沸腾与各种激动,站起来就往门口跑,到了门口看见一辆黑色的车行驶过来,他们说看到四哥坐在车 里面,额我没看到,我没看到,还在寻找四哥车就从大门口开过了,我们还傻站在大门口眼睁睁看着四哥的车开过去,终于有人回过神来说四哥是不是在那边的入口 进,工作人员说是,又跟着四哥的车飞奔,远远的看到车周围围着一群人,他们说四哥已经下车往里面走,飞奔过去终于隔着玻璃远远看到了一个非常华丽的背影, 嗯,那就是那个熟悉的背影,四哥!四哥!穿着咖啡色的外套,光头,围脖,牛仔裤,皮靴,光是背影已经被秒杀了。。。原谅偶花痴一下。。。。这时候我想着把 相机打开拍照,结果镜头寻了很久,四哥身后跟了一群保镖,所以都没寻找到一个比较好的镜位,拍了一张,糊的。。。,我们就飞速的跟着那群人后面走,不知道 为什么我们只是默默的跟着他,不敢叫四哥的名字,囧。他就这样走进了那个通道,四哥走得飞快,真是飞快,我们跑都没跟上他。

最后 四哥进了屋里面,这屋子是全玻璃的,所以我们在外面隔着玻璃看到了四哥,四哥不经意间转头也看到我们了,向我们招手,微笑,又是秒杀一地。。。哗,然后大 家就兴奋了,我又想着那相机出来拍,试了一下,离得太远,然后又总是有两个女人不知道是干神马的,站在那个屋里面故意站到四哥的前面挡住我们,讨厌S了。 哼。  就这样一段时间。。。。貌似这个时候我把YY打开了,然后一会我手机响了,有两个后来的小猪到了,他们在入场的门口,于是我就出去接他们,接到他 们回到刚刚那里的时候已经空空的,一个人都没有了,这个时候不知道我有多抓狂,不知道四哥去哪了,不知道小猪们去哪了。然后就接到一个小猪的电话他们说他 们入场了,四哥进休息室休息了,然后我们也入场了。


知 道四哥快出来了,于是偶又上YY把麦打开,等待四哥入场,主持人很会调动气氛,我们一直叫着马浚伟马浚伟马浚伟,最后四哥终于出来啦啦啦啦 我完全没注意到四哥怎么出来的,我望向台上的时候四哥已经站在台山,我听到他在说话了。说的什么不记得了,然后左手拿着手机YY直播,右手拿着相机拍照, 由于台离我们还是有一段距离,镜头拉近距离就会比较模糊也挺抖,拍了几张偶就换做录影,虽然录影效果也不咋地。。。我杯催的相机该更新换代了。。。现场就 是四哥唱了三首歌,YY里面应该都有直播到,偶尔会掉线,相信大家也都听到了,就不多说了。中间还有一个插曲,在四哥唱歌的时候神奇的看到徐姐出现在我们 旁边的摄影位,哈哈哈我们就合计着问问徐姐等会看能不能找机会跟四哥合影,徐姐告诉我们四哥以表演完就会离开返港,他说让我们看到四哥表演完就出去把四哥 的车找到,等会在车旁边和我们合影,四哥唱完歌了,他说了拜拜,我们以为他要离开现场了,四哥刚走回后台我们就坐不住, 起身想出去找四哥的车。结果我们起身,后面坐着的很多人看到我们站起来要走,然后刚刚四哥也说了拜拜,大家都以为结束了,很多人都提前离场了,噗。果然现 实啊,四哥一场完他们就走了。。呼呼,原来他们都是冲四哥来的,后面可还有一辆汽车的大奖在等着呢,他们怎么就走了。。。。然后君君问徐姐,徐姐说等会四 哥还要出来抽奖,让我们一部分人去找四哥的车。合计着我就和婷婷分头出去找四哥的车,把停车场跑了一圈,都没看到四哥的车,荒了,这时候婷婷来电话她说找 到四哥的车,我找呀找,众里寻他呀,那车就停在入场大门口,噗。

然后我们就在车那里等着,后来君君,晨晨,璐璐他们都出来了,我 问他们怎么出来了,他们说没看到四哥出来,四哥应该不出来了,于是我们几个人就在四哥的座驾前守着,而且不敢肯定那是不是四哥的座驾,四哥刚来的时候我只 看到一辆黑色的车子,其他什么也没看见,我们就在纠结这是不是四哥的车,四哥会不会已经离场开车走了。。。。纠结,最后君君的妈妈在大门口吼了一声,不知 道发生什么事我们又跟着跑向大门口,啊啊啊啊,四哥在台山,他们在抽奖,悔呀恨呀,我们怎么就这么傻站在外面等,结果是哥还在台上呢。刚刚走进大门口,四 哥他们就从台上下来走向了我们,哦不是走向我们,是走向大门口的那辆小汽车,四哥是颁奖嘉宾,哇,近距离的晃到一眼四哥,又开始不淡定了,我们就在叫着四 哥四哥,四哥听到了冲我们笑了。。。忽,晕了。

四哥周围总是有一堆人围着,颁完奖四哥就走向后台,我们想跟着进去,可保安把我们堵在门口 不让进。。。这个时候四哥一定是要离开了,所以我们又赶回四哥的座驾前,后来hillman出来了,他告诉我们四哥从刚刚他到的时候那个门出来,我们又飞 奔着到了那个门口,哈哈,又看到四哥在们里面,隔着玻璃,准备出来,这时候已经有一堆人围在门口了,有工作人员告诉我们可以和四哥合影一张,我们兴奋的说 好啊好啊,然后四哥就从门口走出来走到我们这一堆人里面,大家都叫四哥四哥,四哥笑着温柔的说“乖啦,听到你们叫我四哥我就知道是小猪们了,他就走到我们 中间边走边说,“刚刚你们是不是有谁在YY啊,我在微博留言里面看到你们在YY现场”一秒钟过后反应过来,然后我就举着手机说 我 我在YY,然后就把手机递给他,四哥接过手机(我不记得是四哥接过手机,还是我一直拿着手机,应该是接过手机,不然他怎么对着手机说话呢,他拿着手机,对 着手机说 :喂喂喂,你们好啊”

是这样说的吧,我不大记得了,噗。然后现场太吵,我也不知道你们有没有回答他,一秒钟之后,他就把手机递 给我了,我们开始合照,合照的时候我还顾着手机麦有没有开,噗,那时候不确定大家刚刚是否有听到四哥说话,拍合照的时候我就一直盯着手机,估计照片出来我 的样子效果会很吓人。额。合照完了,不知道怎么回事现场就开始混乱,一群人伸着手要和四哥握手,四哥面前就一堆手,不知道谁是谁的,我站在旁边左手拿手 机,右手拿相机,发现已经伸不出手和四哥握了,囧。等我把手空出来的时候已经是一群人在求抱抱了。。。。唔。我看到一个人熊抱了四哥一下,(不是我们一起 去的小猪)然后四哥周围的人开始向四哥站的地方移,要求抱抱,被一群人围着,这时候保安慌了,立刻把粉丝和四哥隔开,把四哥护送上座驾,边走还听到大家在 说四哥我要抱抱,四哥说乖 乖 乖 然后用手还摸了摸旁边孩纸的头,呼,太羡慕了。。。

四哥上车之后就把车窗户摇开,隔着车和我们说话, 然后就听到大家异口同声的说:四哥,我们好想你。。。哈哈,四哥应该很开心,一直说着 乖啦乖啦,大家就开始说,我是谁谁谁,我是晨晨 我是婷婷 我是璐璐 ,我是君君,珍珍。。。。四哥说你们在微博告诉我你们是谁好吗。等等等,然后我也对着四哥说,四哥,我是霖霖。四哥说:你是霖霖啊。。。。后面的不记得 了。最后四哥真的车真的要开走了,我们对着四哥说一路小心,开车小心,工作顺利等等等。然后我也对着四哥说四哥路上小心,貌似听到四哥说 好。最最最后,四哥的车开走了。我发觉我全程游离,四哥的车是怎么开走的,我不记得了,没看到这一幕。。。噗。

噗 对了,最后四哥车开动的时候,我听到我前面的孩纸说:三公子,路上小心,欢迎下次再来台山。噗

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