Thursday, January 5, 2012

One Pen Ma: In the blink between life and death.

Clear Newspaper 5 Jan 2012
One Pen Ma Column
Steven Ma

The split second between life and death.
Year 2012 is coming, wishing in advance everybody a new year of smooth sailing, health and peace.  Time always advances silently, and silently departs.  Punctuality, I’ve always kept it, whether to work or to play. It is my habit to arrive at the place 5 or 10 minutes ahead of time. I am nervous to have people waiting for me, truly!

But, my place such importance on time has another reason. I recall when my late mother was still alive, and that because of her illness was often in and out of hospital.  Once, because my mother’s body’s seriously lacking oxygen was sent to the hospital in a semi conscious condition.  Her body suddenly convulsed and her body turned black. I immediately put my arm into her mouth for her to bite down and then loudly screamed “doctor!”. Half a minute later, the doctor came and gave her a shot to stop her convulsion.  And another half minute later, her body slowly returned to normal, and her face regained its rosiness.  Within this short time, I saw her once again experienced a life and death moment.

My mother endured the illness for 22 years, and had often straddled the life and death fate, but every time within a half minute spread she manage to escape death. So time to me besides being priceless in itself also means the difference between life and death! A new year, hope everybody will make good use of time, even more so, treasure time and don’t squander time.     

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