Sunday, March 25, 2012

Flourishing Familial Love , how can DGD not prosper?

Netizens Lamented Steven Ma leaving the nest, highly praised Daddy Good Deeds much better than other melodramatic ( dog blood) series.

Daddy Good Deeds, just by its name already know it would be a lighthearted series, its story imbued with strong familial love, suitable for viewing for both young and old, and absolutely delightful. Within the series, there are the light-hearted humor as well as touching and meaningful details, making the viewing both pleasurable and moving. It's been a long time since I laughed out loud with such spontaneity - this was the general sentiment from the viewing public - this credit should be given to the "flourishing familial love" (亲情当旺).

Ha Yu can be dubbed the 'TV King level' father.  His portrayals of father in his series are all deeply rooted in viewers' hearts, furthermore, most of his characters are of that of a Mr. Nice guy. This time portraying a pawn shop owner, "2nd grand uncle" (yee shuk gong), Ha Yu's role, truth be told, is very similar to his previous "24 hr daddy" roles as it did not depart much from his past characters thus giving off a similar vibe of being "Ha Yu still the same old Ha Yu" kind of feeling, hence, lacking novelty. Even though his role did not have a big breakthrough it was still very well received by the audience.  Conversely, if one day Ha Yu suddenly becomes a ruthless villain, the audience may not be able to accept it.

Steven Ma-Linda Chung this pairing, for the audience can be said to be ultra affectionately familiar beyond familiar.  From "Virtue of Harmony 2" to "A Journey of Life" to "A Watchdog's Tale" to "Ghost Writer", their pairing as a couple cannot be more familiar to us. As soon as we found out that they were in the same series, we knew they would be a pair, and even wish they were a real couple in real life. The tacit understanding between them is undoubtedly there.  Hence even if they did not start off as lovers, the audience have already waited for them to get hook up together.

Coincidentally, this time they also started off disliking each other, which inadvertently evoked the association to A Journey called life, which also have the story sequence of them starting off as "if not rivals will not meet" except this time their personalities of their characters are reversed. This time, Linda is no longer the rebellious delinquent but a brave female cop, and Steven is no longer that serious, but a rather frivolous and not well grounded character, even a bit of an opportunist, as Fatt Dat gor holding down several jobs. From his hairstyle to every one of his encounters, they are permeated with humor. It can be said that this series enabled Steven to fledge his comedic ability to its fullest; his each and every gesture or movement, his eye expressions all very well done, as he successfully brought to life this very cute and adorable Fatt Dat gor image on screen.  And as to Steven's first collaboration with 'veteran green leaf' Chow Chung as father and son, their relationship scenes are also very funny as well as moving.  In the series, the father acts like a kid, conversely, the son has to protect him.  This kind of father-son relationship evoke empathy from the viewers, even more so, evoking the feeling of how precious familial love is.

As to Nancy Wu and Evergreen, this is not their first time collaboration in a series, prior to this, in the Rosy Business and No Regrets series, they have already left a deep impression on the viewers. But this was their first time pairing as a couple. Their pairing provides a fresher feel to the series. When 'Hoi Tong' (RB) meets 'Fei Fang gor' (NR) in this characters transcending series, there was no explosive romance but rather true love lacing ordinary everyday life.

The lines in the series for its characters are especially designed to be vividly jocular, be it Go Yi Man's (Ha Yu) life guideline: "Have to earn money, have to help people, if can help then must help." And then there is Lam Fatt's (Steven Ma) slogan: "Fatt Dat zai has means and ways", just hearing this, the corners of lips would spontaneously lift up in smile, and watching these characters will laugh with them, and feel happy with them.

Even though there are just the same familiar faces recycling in the TVB series, as to even suddenly giving a feel of transcendence to the audience, but it cannot be denied that different series with their different cast are still by and large very popular.  And TVB's expertise is its 'family' brand, using a warm family life to bring out the preciousness of familial relationship and love as us to moved the viewers' hearts. There is also a very important point which is, Daddy Good Deeds happened to be Producer Miu Siu Ching's and TVB siu sang, Steven Ma's farewell series before they left TVB. While watching the series, audience would inevitably feel some sentimentality and nostalgia.

--- original article------

网友不舍马浚伟离巢 大赞当旺好过狗血剧《



巧合的是,他们这次也是从欢喜冤家开始的,这一点倒是让人不禁联想起《金石良缘》,也是不是冤家不聚头的套路。只是双方在性格和身份上似乎有一些对调,这一次钟嘉欣不再是小太妹,而成了正直神勇的 ;马浚伟也没那么一本正经,变身看似轻佻不踏实甚至还有点市侩,并且身兼数职的发达哥,。可以说该剧让小马哥的喜剧天赋发挥得淋漓尽致,一举一动、眼神表情都相当到位,成功塑造了很萌很可爱发达哥形象。而马浚伟与资深绿叶周聪在剧中首次成为父子,两人之间的父子戏也是搞笑、感人兼而有之,剧中的老爸变成小朋友一般,反而让儿子照顾,这种父子关系让人感触良多,更令人感受到亲情可贵。

T V B剧集中来来去去都是那几张熟悉面孔,恍惚间还让观众产生各种穿越的感觉。但不可否认的是,不同排列组合之下的各类电视剧,大部分还是大受欢迎的。而 T V B最擅长的便是打亲情牌了,以一家人的温馨生活带出亲情和爱的珍贵,最能引发共鸣,打动人心。还有一点很重要,《当旺爸爸》恰好是金牌监制梅小青( )T V B小生马浚伟离开老东家的告别之作,观众在看剧过程中不免会产生一些眷恋与不舍的心绪。林丹(微博) 

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