Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Steven's Mainland new series

Edited: Browse Zhang Meng's baidu, her fans before it was confirmed she would accept, also hoped that she wouldn't accept based on the cliche love story line, just like Steven fans. But per those who have especially looked up the online novel to read, they said the writing is nicely done despite its hackneyed story, and despite a much more interesting read than the summary snapshot posted online. 

REVISED: Lai Fu and Ting Xuan have no blood relation; they are just a dead ringer for each other.  Besides Lai Fu being accidentally killed in Ting Xuan's stead, Ting Xuan's mother is also killed so Ting Xuan married a rich wife so that he can revenge his mother's death.

This story is based on a popular online fiction. see baidu sm
Apparently its book title is now changed to 'When love becomes the past'.
online fiction

Follow this 电视剧-鸳鸯佩 weibo on Steven's new mainland series, 鸳鸯佩 (Yuan Yang Pei ) 
marketed by Beijing Jetsen Times Cultures Media Ltd Company (北京捷成时代文化传媒有限公司)
produced by Fu Zhou Guang Film Production Ltd Company福州广电影视节目制作有限公司
Episode: 36

Steven = Lai Fu, Gao Ting Xuan
张檬 (female lead - Beijing ),
马骏超0210 - Ting Liang (mainland)
黃少祺Eric_H - Qi Jun (Taiwan)
影星午马 - Quan Shu (HK)
Gary Tao (Taiwan - supervising producer)
Emily姜晗 (Beijing - GM/producer of the series production  company) email:
黃家輝 (Hong Kong - director, Wong Ka Fai)
王欢Brownie (Beijing - scriptwriter/director (?))
Bobo吳寶玲 (Hong Kong -customers designer)

Others - quite a few graduates from the most prestigious The Central Academy of Arts (中央戏剧学院)

But fans not impressed by the supposedly script posted on line. Too pedestrian and convoluted love story. But we gotten to have faith in Steven choosing a good script.

Zai Song's daughter, Yong En, since childhood is betrothed to Warlord Shen Xiang's son, Qi Jun. Zai Song and his lawful wife, Yu Qing, become estranged.  Yu Qin and Tang Ji (the lover) eloped. Qi Jun returns home from overseas and wishes to break off the betrothal.  Enroute he coincidentally meets Yong En and falls in love with her at first sight.  Because Yong En is abused by stepmother she runs away from home and flees to her family housekeeper, Zhou Quan (Quan shu).  There she becomes friend with Lai Fu and they fall in love.  In a scheme to inherit the wealth and property, Ting Liang's, Qi Jun's second son, plots to kill his own older brother, Ting Xuan, but instead he kills Lai Fu, whom he had mistaken for Ting Xuan because they look exactly alike.   

Yong En does not know that Lai Fu is dead and mistaken Ting Xuan for him.  However, Ting Xuan treats her coldly. Yong En gets into Tang Residence to investigate. Ting Xuan by and by falls in love with Yong En. When Yong En realizes that Ting Xuan is not Lai Fu she leaves the Tang residence.  All the while, Qi Jun silently protects her. Ting Liang exposes that Ting Xuan is actually not Tang Qi's biological son so he gets kicked out the Tang family. Tang Liang also kills Ting Xuan's mother. (tn: who has earlier eloped with Tang Ji)  Ting Xuan so filled with hatred seeks vengeance. He marries Song Yi Lan hoping to use the Song family's wealth and power to get back Tang family's wealth and property.  Ting Xuan misses Yong En.  But she is now married to Qi Jun. Ting Xuan kidnaps Yong En and imprisons Qi Jun. But Yong En would rather die than submit. Qi Jun manages to rescue.  Hanging between life and death, Ting Xuan repents and let them go.

So everybody, what do you think of the story summary? Quite hackneyed and done to death cliche. 

----in Chinese ----

载淞之女永恩自幼与督军沈详之子其峻订婚。载淞与发妻郁芩失和,郁芩与唐济出走。其峻留学归来欲解除婚约,途中巧遇永恩,一见倾心。永恩受继母虐待投奔管家周全。她结识男子来福,两人相恋。来福系唐济长子庭轩的双胞胎兄弟,庭亮为了争夺财产,设计杀害庭轩,却误将来福当成庭轩杀害。永恩不知来福已死, 错把庭轩当成来福,却发现他将自己视为陌路。永恩进入唐家探询究竟,庭轩不知不觉爱上了永恩。永恩知道庭轩不是来福后离开唐家。其峻一直默默守护她。庭亮 揭穿庭轩并非唐济亲生,庭轩被赶出唐家,其生母也被庭亮杀害。忍无可忍的庭轩一心想复仇。他与宜岚结婚,想借助宋家财势夺回唐家财产。庭轩思念永恩,怎奈 永恩与其峻共结连理。庭轩掳走永恩将其软禁,永恩誓死不从,其峻赶来相救。生死攸关之际,庭轩改过,成全了大家。

baidu wiki


  1. Hi Tamaya, I'm wondering if you could translate the script of this series. So curious to know! Thank you in advance!

  2. like the fans, I'm so confused by this convoluted story line. But I'll translate it late, that is if I can make sense out of it. A day or two ago, when a fan first flushed out this story from some Chinese wiki site and posted it on baidu sm, fans were dismayed by the cliche story and hoped that that wasn't but now it seems it might be. But of course the story may change in details.

  3. Convoluted is the word for it.
    However, I would not worry too much.....
    Hopefully the storytelling would be more interesting....
    and so long as he does not expire in that one...
