Friday, May 11, 2012

how to register as member in

Here is the step by step registration translation

On the left hand side click on 注册 to register. A pop up box will display. Click the box to agree to its terms to enable registration proceeding.

用户名 ------------------ 不能有空格,可以是中文,长度控制在 3-12 字节以内
username -------------- no space. Can be in Chinese. Between 3-12 characters long

密 码 -------------- 最小长度:6 最大长度:16
password ---------- between 6-16 characters long

确认密码 ----------- 请再输入一遍您上面填写的密码
confirm password ----------- re-enter password

邮箱 --------- 请填写真实并且最常用的邮箱
Email.....enter frequently used email address

----- 公开邮箱 (leave blank unless want email make public).
----- disclose email

站点防恶意注册 --------- 正确答案:思浚堂
spam prevention question ------------- (correct answer: 思浚堂)
question: What is the name of this website? (answer: 思浚堂)

注册原因 ----------
reason for registration (English words are acceptable.)

Additional information
I'm from:

认证码 ---------------- 看不清楚,换一张
CAPTCHA-------------- if not clear, get another.

---- 我已阅读并完全同意条款内容
-----I've read and agreed to the terms.

Submit  (click the longer left button) good luck!

If still can't register will request webmaster's help to get you an account.

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