Saturday, December 8, 2012

CRHK: Steven Ma 有誰共鳴 (Musing) - UPDATED dec 9 2012

On air 2012-Nov-12
1st half: Steven as guest host shares his thoughts on homesickness while filming in Hengdian.
2nd half: Steven as guest host shares his thoughts on taking on scriptwriting.
tudou upload

Verbatim transcript
Homesickness -
Actually these past 2 years my time in Hong Kong has indeed become shorter. Last year, around November, I started filming different series in mainland, a year in all. Of course every month I would return to Hong Kong for 3 days or so but would stay in mainland for at least 2 or 3 months at a time. Actually since I was 16 or 17 years old because of work I was outstation in mainland quite often but seldom absent for this long stretch at a time until filming these 2 series. The longest time away I was in Hengdian for 4 months. Even though I was still in my own country but actually one can still feel homesick, especially the 1st ten days, my homesickness was quite acute. During that period, I constantly felt this urge of wanting to go home to Hong Kong, or frequently called up my family members or friends, or through different methods such as texting or go online. About half a month or a month later, I became more acclimated, and the constant feel of homesickness became less acute.

But anyway I've this habit of transferring many songs into my cellphone so that at night I could easily listen to the songs I often listened to back in Hong Kong. Among them is this English song that I like a lot, also its title is very suited to my mood then. It’s Michael Buble’s Home. It totally matched my homesickness feeling at the time. I hope you all will like this song too. 

Many friends thought that I prefer listening to either Mandarin songs or Cantonese songs. Actually it’s true, I do enjoy them, but English songs I love them a lot too. The English songs I like, I dare not say are the latest or hits, usually I would first listen to its melody and its composition, and if attracted by its melody I would look up on what kind of song it is.  Like this song I will now introduce to you all is a Paul Anka song.  People would say huh how come you know of Paul Anka. True, when Paul Anka was at his prime or most popular, most of us were either still young or were not born yet. But Paul Anka’s songs, not that I’m very familiar with them,  for some reason this one song truly speaks to me. The song is 'The Painter' and depicts a painter – who gives to his craft his all as an artist, but when he's alive his paintings don’t amount to much and are unappreciated by others, however, once he dies, his personal worth and his paintings' worth suddenly increase manifold. As artiste myself upon hearing the lyrics I’m quite moved, actually, as artists they tried within their own art world to bring forth their own visions through different ways and methods. But can they really when they are still alive receive other people’s appreciation and approbation?  This song describes it in great detail.  The song emotes the feeling of a solitary painter and depicts his artistic journey. I hope you all can savor the flavor of this song.  It’s Paul Anka’s 'The Painter'.   

Tamaya note: Excerpted Transcript.  
Steven is very in tune with his feeling and not afraid to share it.  
And this away-from-home displacement feeling often makes these people very vulnerable to other people's manipulations resulting in many marriage break-ups or love relationship break-ups.  Hence, wives and girlfriends are very wary of their other halves going to China for work because of aggressive mainland women. Jmo!  I love Paul Anka's songs too -- though he was way before my time. But then I'm a fan of both Chinese and English oldies but goodies songs.

Songs mentioned
Michael Buble: Home
Paul Anka: The Painter

In reference to the above audio.
Link to Life Talk Show news report
Steven's 生命因爱动听 rendition (Life is more moving cos' of love))) 
News report on Steven and Teresa Cheung duet

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