Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Updated 6-27-2013 Steven Ma Injured on set filming Property Protector

Steven Ma Injured from Accident During Filming, Grateful Didn't Go Blind
Wednesday June 26, 2013 Hong Kong
Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @

Last night when Steven Ma was filming for TVB series Property Protector, he got hit in between his eyes by a flying fake gun that accidentally slipped out of his on-screen partner's hand. He started bleeding instantly. Producer Leung Choi Yuen sent Steven to the hospital immediately. Once Steven was treated, he was discharged and the producer helped him into the taxi to go home for rest. Steven will get back to filming as soon as his wound heals and his eye stops swelling.

Reporters later contacted Steven for details, he frankly expressed the left side of his nose bridge had a bone fracture and because he had previously injured his left eye before, it is now swollen. He said: "Last night, my left nostril felt stuffed because I had a nose bleed before and there are some damage inside. At the time of the accident, I felt a little dizzy and sat there for a long time before my spirit came back. There really was a lot of blood gushing out Ten minutes later, I called my assistant to bring a mirror over. But that moment when the accident happened, I felt so sweet at heart because Tavia Yeung helped me wipe away my sweat and blood. Raymond Cho gave me a glass of water. They were so anxious."

When asked who was the "culprit"? Steven frankly expressed it was not his partner's fault. "The scene was about my partner pointing the gun at me, then I kick the gun out of his hand with my right foot, and then he throws a punch at me. At the time, my kick was pretty powerful, his finger was still hooked on the gun and the gun ends up flying at me!" Steven gratefully said its fortunate his left eye was injured, otherwise if it was his right eye, he may have ended up blind. "Because when I was shooting A Change of Destiny in 2006, a horse kicked me in the eye and the retina in my right eye came loose. If the accident had happened on my right eye again, my retina can easily fall out and I'll definitely go blind then."

As to when he'll be getting back to work, it depends on his condition in the next 5 days. Steven will need lots of rest and cannot move around too much. He has to be extra careful when sleeping at night: "I was going to attend Pastor Enoch Lam's show this Saturday, but this impacted my singing luck, I may not be able to do a singing performance and can just be there to support him."

Steven posted a photo of his injury on Weibo and told everyone to relax, he joked: "The scar isn't that deep, it's quite cool (ying) actually!"

Steven Ma's Nose Injured While Filming, stops work .

Below are some English translations from other sites.

jaynestars- sm injured on pp set
jaynestars - sm in good spirits despite nose fracture
asianuniverse - sm njured from Accident During Filming, Grateful Didn't Go Blind

 -below Chinese articles --

馬仔鼻骨裂停工 macao daily






Sharp daily 6/27/2013
馬浚偉噚晚喺將軍澳電視廣播城拍攝新劇《守業者》時,俾持道具槍嘅對手一甩手、成把道具槍撞咗落馬浚偉個鼻度,登時血流如注。消息指馬仔照X光後,發現鼻骨有兩道裂痕,左眼角亦腫咗,毋須留院, 不過今日停工。





************************************ oriental








********************************** 東方互動 專訊】 馬浚偉因拍劇而被打爆鼻,他就將傷勢放到微博,更笑言覺得若留下疤痕會更有型,他又安慰指這次意外沒人需要有責任,非常有大哥哥的風範。他寫道:「鼻子塞住不便講話借微博回覆大家問候!謝謝關心放心沒事,休息數天難免,疤痕不會太深(有都幾型)之後慢慢待鼻骨癒合就好了!意外就是意外沒人需要有責任,別感難受!感激受傷時現場每位的關心,心感溫暖!這幾天要辛苦守業者各同胞先守住家業,三少很快歸隊回潘家打怪獸哈哈!感謝主的保守。」

appledaily tv link




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