Sunday, September 8, 2013

UPDATED weibo sep 8 2013 movie

2013-09-08 21:16 So long (you) believe, so long (you) love without regrets, life because of love is all that more touching...calmly waiting for the day we meet again.  只要相信、只要愛得無悔 , 生命自會因愛動聽......靜待再遇那天!

tn: Steven strings words from his songs' titles to construct the above sentence.

A little hint of his new movie in Beijing!

So who is the mysterious lady?
From the TME news magazine, the leading lady of the movie is Yang Zi Yan( 楊梓嫣) aka Concubine Jin of The Legend of Zhen Huan《后宮甄嬛傳》 so I assume that lady must be her though I've never see the said actress. “電影女主角楊梓嫣,因在熱播劇《后宮甄嬛傳》中飾演善良又有智慧的「敬妃」而廣受觀眾喜愛。”

Haiz, the reporter misprinted her name, should be 楊紫嫣 not 楊梓嫣 as reported. But both names are pronounced as Yang Zi Yan.