Friday, August 1, 2014

Reminder: Info on Steven's Singapore trip August 2 2014

SM Singapore fans, don't miss out on this opportunity to get up close and personal with Steven listening to his testimony to Christ.

To give you a heads-up on the kind of program Yeah Show 2014 is - (from the y2b and FB) the session topic is Calm/clear mind (好脑定) :-

life is unpredictable, littered with mishaps and misfortunes
life is not 'fixed' nor always smooth-sailing
people need a calm mind, when mind is calm, so will the heart.
Trust in the eternal Lord to see through the world...

Topic: 好脑定

结婚生子 买楼买车
儿女成材 登六退休
安享晚年 弄孙为乐
天有不测 人有祸福
人生不是“好老定” 事事如意
人生需要“好脑定”,脑定就心定, 倚靠永恒的主 看透世情……

 Network J Singapore FB entry dated April 29 2014   
Guess Steven as celebrity guest has been prearranged at least since 4/29/2014.

source: Pastor Lam weibo

My thanks to Jesssim for informing me.

first posted: Jul 23, 2014


  1. Replies
    1. Good for you! After the show, do drop by to share your feeling on the show, especially on Steven's portion.

  2. Thank you Steven for coming to Singapore ! I attended both sessions , likewise with some others . His sharing certainly touches many others heart ....God bless you and keep you in peace always...

    1. Hi, Dan, thanks for dropping by, but to make sure he reads your message it is better you post your message on his sina weibo: or on his fb:

    2. And do share your videos or photos with fans, if any.
