Thursday, May 13, 2010

random weibo posts May 2010

AF# 367 Posted 12 May 2010 - 10:35 AM
Steven is truly enjoying his weibo interactions with his fans. His weibo is so distinctly imprinted with his personality, thoughts, humor and style of writing. Going through his weibo thread on baidu, I translated some of his weibo comments.

He weibo he is having dinner. Inquisitive fans want to know what he is having.
later weibo1: “I had a big bowl of congee, 1 egg, 1 plate of chives and 1 banana!

Fans complain his dinner was too light. He weibo back he needs to reduce oil, (戒油) but he inadvertently posted the wrong word for ‘reduce’(介vs戒), and of course sharp-eyed fans were quick to pounce on his typo and gleefully expose it. (Don’t understand this nitpicking mentality of his fans and their glee in exposing Steven’s typos. Even the best of us made occasionally typos. In fact, his fans posts are often filled with typos, not to mention misuse of words and malapropism. (白字 & 錯別字) But I digress!)

weibo2: Mistake again! speechless!.. reduce oil! (戒油!) 介! Posted Image花籽油 (canola oil) Posted Image

Weibo3: Don’t say used to my typos. The word is too brutal. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Then Steven purposely wrote his message in malapropism*. Lol!

At first his fans were puzzled by his message and wondered if his brain was fried by his fans’ ‘brutal’ words. Belatedly some, understanding Steven’s teasing of them, deciphered his tweet to mean: As soon as 7 Days wraps up, I plan to go to Shanghai to attend the World Expo! Haha! Naughty Steven! lol!

*note:“A malapropism is the substitution of a word for a word with a similar sound, in which the resulting phrase makes no sense but often creates a comic effect.”

Of course, the fans all clamored for a fans gathering with him.
But he weibo: My Expo visit will be a personal one! Fans gathering is a bit tough!


Weibo few days later:
Steven strings most (not all) his series titles in a paragraph.

Loosely translated to read:
Don’t worry, I'll find a Cupid Stupid person (恋愛星求人) with Land of Wealth (滙通天下) to be my Safe Guard (鉄血保镖) ; this person must be friend with my Watch Dog Buddy (老友狗狗). That person can either be Pu Songling or gold plaque matchmaker (of Better Halves, 金牌冰人) or Luo San (WTLB 洛神). Under the guidance of the moon's beams in October 5th (of Return of the Cuckoo 十月初五的月光) we advanced bravely On The Tracks Or Off (勇往直前) towards Expo. Although A Change of Destiny’s (天機算) prediction is not completely correct, it should not go so far as to have us Quarantined for 7 days (隔離七日)…But amazingly, under Healing Hands (妙手仁心) a group of Grand Piggy Ma’s friends (Steven is Grand Piggy Ma) all transformed into Ultra Protection (非常保鏢) bodyguards, and under a shower of PITNOL (帝女花) petal confetti, they incited each and every golden destiny (AJCL, 金石良缘) to dance; the whole city is in joyous revelry, as exciting as in the Domd chronicles. (鹿鼎記)

别擔心,我會找個滙通天下的恋愛星求人當我的鉄血保镖,這人必需跟我老友狗狗,可以是蒲松齡,金牌冰人或洛神,在十月初五的月光引領下,在世博場內勇往直 前,雖然天機算不盡,總不至被隔離七日..情在妙手仁心下,一眾馬太豬友都变成非常保鏢,在滿天帝女花瓣下,把每段金石良缘舞動,全城盡歡,如鹿鼎記般精 彩!


His thoughts aroused when watching the broadcast of Shanghai Expo opening ceremony.
I spent two years of self-studying “The last hundred years of China history, for that I acquired just one word: “Pain”. Living in Hong Kong? – Great happiness. But does not mean not to understand one’s own origin. I came from Shantou, Guangdong.
(note: I recall a 2006 where Steven said he enrolled for 2 years in an online Chinese history course)

weibo: 5/10/ 21:51
Fans brought up their displeasure over Cupid Stupid ending.
sm weibo1: I know you were all very angry at Cupid Stupid ending.

weibo2: If Yat Bo approaches Jing Gou then what do you want Jing Gou to do? She already said she doesn't know who to choose. A triangle love -- eventually one has to back out. When have the time go read the book "han jing de ai".(含敬的愛) Tell me what you think of it.

weibo3: Seeing your most beloved having a happy good life is also a kind of happiness. At least you've found your most beloved person, and that you know she is living a good life.

weibo4: Actually love and possession do not always go hand in hand. If mutual love, but ultimately not yours to keep, have to let go. If possessed but doesn't love you in return, also have to let go.

weibo5: OK, I'll have Yat Bo pursue Jing Gou again, ok?


Latest weibo: Steven heartsick over this incident 7 school kids & 1 teacher slayed in China school killing rampage.

The 'water' in Steven weibo is too strong and deep for me to surf, luckily most if not all his weibo are reposted here on Steven baidu weibo thread . But because I'm not following their posts, I can only guess at what they were talking about from Steven's responses.


Leba: I enjoy reading his weibo interactions too. I also read the collated one at the thread. I just like the way he counts his fans to sleep.... 123zzzzzzzzgoodnite. So sweet and cute! 

Tamaya: 123 zzzzzzzz..goodnite ....very cute and I also like how he had Grand Piggy Ma Posted Image with its v to verify his message. haha.

baidu p19 r694

source baidu p21 r773

sm baidu p15 

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