Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Prosperous Ox Year!


2009-01-27 01:20 am
Gong hei fatt choy!
Here’s wishing everybody a prosperous and successful new year, health and happiness!
The Stars of Love will wrap up soon. Very happy to so successfully wrap up yet another project! My character is a fishmonger called Ci Yat Bou; nickname, Ci Yat Bo (Slowpoke). The character is very lovable but also quite pitiable, too. Why? You’ll see…

I know many friends are right now watching Sits. Let me tell you this, Nie Ji Yuen is one of my most loved characters. He enabled me to deviate from my usual acting course. Frankly speaking, to portray a character overwhelmed with guilt and burdens but unable to speak out, and is always walking the tightrope of justice, loyalty and love is truly very tough, at the same time, very challenging. I loved it. I hope you all will love it too. I hope those who have already watched Sits will leave your comments, opinions and reviews here, so as to enable me to better hone my acting skill down the road.

In March, I’ll start another series production. I will portray a renowned, historical scholar, Pu Songling (蒲松齡)

That’s it for now. Bye! Bye!
P.S. Enclosed is a picture of Ci Yat Bou at work. Not too bad, eh?


恭喜發財! 祝大家牛年大旺, 事事順利, 健康快樂!
"占星情缘"快要殺青了, 很開心這麼順利又完成一部作品! 戲中我演
一個賣魚仔叫"池一宝", 外号"遲一步", 性格挺可愛也挺可悲的, 為什麽?
對了, 知道很多朋友都在看"碧血盐梟", 告訴你們, 「聶致遠」是我很愛
很愛的一個角色, 他讓我一改以往戲路。老實說, 去演譯那種充滿背負
而又不能言諭且永遠在忠義情上走鋼索的人物, 真的很難, 但又充滿挑戰性!
我很喜歡, 希望大都一樣! 對了, 希望在看"碧"劇的各方好友, 都能在此留下
你的意見或觀後感, 好讓我能在演戲的路上繼續成長。
三月份, 又有新戲要開拍, 我將會色演一代文人"蒲松齢" ,又要開始做工課了.......
好了, 先這樣了! bye bye!
p.s.送上一張"池一宝"的工作照, 還可以吧!
009-01-27 13:57
Haha! Looks like many friends here are a bit disgruntled, wondering why Ji Yuen’s screen time in Sits seems rather limited. Let me say some words of fairness here. This is not the company's fault, nor is it my mentor, Tim Goh's fault. (Director Lee). It was my own personal choice to take on the character of Yuen.

As an actor, even though I’m still far from being veteran, but these 10 years or so acting experiences have taught me how an actor must continue to strive for self-improvement through challenges and changes. If I continue to persist on portraying similar ‘good’ characters, maybe my supporters will like them; but truth be told, I believe not only a huge portion of the viewers will be tired of this sameness, so would I.

People have to grow up; actors too need to grow. Acting is an art. I’m not a performing arts graduate; don’t have the professional foundation to build from. What I have are training-on-the-job experiences. However, I am lucky to have had the opportunities to learn from seasoned veterans such as: Catherine Tsang, Kent Cheng, Kwok Fung, Cheung Chi-Gwong, Lee Kok Long, Wayne Lai, and Liu Dang etc. (曾勵珍, 鄭則仕、郭峰、蔣志光、李國麟、黎耀祥、劉丹等,) If one day my acting received genuine approbation from the general public, only then will I be considered a specialist/master/expert!(? something like that? help!) 师成百家

As for Yuen, I really like this character a lot. The scriptwriter(s) delineated him very well and very ‘human’. He is proficient in both martial arts and literature, and possesses what he thought was a righteous heart but turns out to an embattled, ignorant heart; always balancing loyalty, righteousness and love on a tightrope. That kind of helplessness, and the pain and hurt emanating from his helplessness & vulnerability are exactly what drew me to him!

Actually in this series, every one of the cast did a good job, like Sing Suet, Tin Hin, Tin Fai, Tou, Wu Lou Ye, Yi Suk etc. They really put in their best efforts. I hope you all will use your hearts to really enjoy this series, to savor the efforts behind it, and by doing so will relish it more.

Today, I transformed from Seng Yat On to Yip Ji Yuen, and thereafter from Zau Yung Gong to Ci Yat Bo. Soon I’ll be Po Song Ling. And after that…hopefully there will be another surprise soon!
Wait for me! 等我!

2009-01-27 14:27
Thank you all for your support and encouragement! Today is the beginning of the new year. Here wishing everybody a very happy ox year!

2009-01-27 14:55
My next series should be with Linda and Fala, whom I adore! We’ll see…..    

ma 2009年1月27日下午1:57 哈哈, 看來很多朋友都有點不滿, 為何致遠在"碧血"的戲份好像少了點, 我在這裡要說句公道話, 這不是公司的問題, 更不是我恩師"添哥"的問題, 要演聶致遠一角, 是我個人的選擇。 身為演員, 我雖談不上資深, 但十多年的演戲歷煉, 教我體會到演員該如何求變和自我增值。如果, 今天我繼續堅持只演一些大好人的角色, 或許我的支持者還是會喜歡, 但說實話, 我相信不單只大部份觀眾, 就連我自己, 也會覺得有點膩了。 人要成長, 演員也要成長! 演戲是藝術, 我不是红褲子出身, 没有一個專業的戲劇基礎, 有的, 只是邊演邊學, 可幸的, 是我總有福份得到很多有經驗的前輩演員教路, 如曾勵珍, 鄭則仕、郭峰、蔣志光、李國麟、黎耀祥、劉丹等,倘若有天我的演技獲得真正的認同, 那我可以說是師成百家了! 說回聶致遠, 我個人真的超喜歡這角色, 編劇把他描寫得很立體, 也很"人"! 他能文能武, 有一顆自以為為正義而戰的愚昧之心, 永遠在忠義情上走鋼索, 那種無奈、無能為力的傷痛, 正是聶致遠最吸引我的地方! 其實, 此劇的每位演員都演得很好, 如勝雪、亨軒、亨輝、屠應龍、胡老爺、二叔......等, 大家都真的很用心, 希望大家可以用心去品嚐這部戲, 能細味一下背後的張力, 更覺迷人! 今天, 我由"成日安"變成"聶致遠", 再由"周用恭"變成"池一寶", 很快, 我就會變成"蒲松齡", 再之後......我希望, 變出一個又一個的驚喜! 等我!

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