Saturday, November 6, 2010

Steven - a man of contrasts

repost: asianfanatics post# 288 22 April 2010 - 03:06 PM
[..] Excerpt of editorial commentary on Steven's multiple personas 

I like analyzing literature characters and historical figures. Steven is a person of contrasts – he has a boyish look but possesses a deep, booming masculine voice. His looks changes constantly: in some pictures he looks youthful and boyish; in others, he looks haggard and older. His eyes sometimes single lidded, other times double lidded. His eye bags come and go. On screen he always presents a sunny and open personality; in writings, he shows a more somber personality. On tv he is always surrounded by people or entertaining others; but in his writing he seems so solitary and so private, trying hard to look for equilibrium in his life. To me, Steven is most true to himself when he is writing. In his recent book, he left a piece of himself in it, generously inviting his readers to get to know him better.

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 Photos taken a few months apart.

Endnote: Now that I think of it, that I remain his staunch fan is also in part due to his writings. His memoir and his candid sharing of his thoughts on his blogs touched me. I like listening to his live interviews too. But of course, I love watching his series most. All in all, I think Steven is a very gracious man - in his spoken and written words, in his expressions and actions; but in the end it is grace, which is greatly lacking in this world, draws me to him. 

related book captions depict Steven's contradictory traits

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