2010-12-4 15:41 My colleagues were intrigued by the accessories on my bag, which they thought were toys. Haha, the phone is real; the water bottle is real, too, even though it is a bit childish…heehee! 公司的同事看到我這身裝備都大感興趣,還以為是玩具,哈哈,電話是真的,水壺也是真的,雖然有點幼稚.......嘻嘻!
2010-12-4 08:21 Good morning, once again getting ready to start work. These few days I had been burning the candle at both ends; last night when returned to the studio had a splitting headache. Face taking on the color of a basaltic altar. (i.e. black face) Hope did not scare fellow colleagues. Much apologies! Tomorrow is awards night, I myself will just go with the flow. Only hope that Fei Fan Gor will not disappoint the general public to grab the best supporting actor award! 2nd Brother, strongly support you! Ga yao! 早晨,又準備開工了,這幾天一輪衝鋒,昨晚回廠時頭痛欲裂,面色尤如玄壇般,希望沒把同事們嚇壞 ,抱歉抱歉!明天頒獎禮,小弟自己一切只隨緣,只望非凡二哥能不負眾望,勇奪男配!二哥,撐硬你!加油!
2010-12-3 20:19Of course I was happy that Pu Chong Ling received astro ten most favorite character award but still not as happy as I was to encounter my three most beloved at the same time! 蒲松齡拿了astro十大最愛角色固然高興,但始終不及我能同一時間遇上我最疼的三個!

2010-12-2 19:09 Doing outdoor scenes from this morning at 6 until now; these outdoor scenes will probably finish at around 9 pm tonight, after that will return to the studio. The studio scenes will finish at around 1 am. Tomorrow morning will start at 6 am at the studio; tomorrow night the studio scenes will probably end around 3 am onto the next day. And right after that, will do outdoor scenes at 8 am, and then later return to the studio for more filming. Haha! I’m not complaining about hardship, this is relatively a not-to-bad schedule notice. I just want you all to understand why when work starts, I’ll disappear! Haha!
12/2 20:47 Thank you, everybody; no hardship at all, really. Don’t worry!
12/2 20:47 Thank you, everybody; no hardship at all, really. Don’t worry!
2010-12-2 14:54Nip Do Bo is once again promoted; he now dressed in a first class high official attire. Outward appearance has changed, in innermost feelings have changed too… his heart now thinks only of taking revenge, these two words…. Haha! (sinisterly)
12/2 17:07 Actually the name should be Nip Siu Bo, but I have acted as KangXi, so it is better to vary it a little, so named it Dou Bo. Haha!
12/2 15:30 This vengeance, who will not avenge it? But of course, it is not as simple as you all may think.
12/2 17:07 Actually the name should be Nip Siu Bo, but I have acted as KangXi, so it is better to vary it a little, so named it Dou Bo. Haha!
12/2 15:30 This vengeance, who will not avenge it? But of course, it is not as simple as you all may think.
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