Monday, June 20, 2011

Series: The Life and Times of a Sentinel (Thunder) theme song

Thunder's themesong: Changing Sky

Changing Sky
Composer: 葉肇中    lyricist: 張美賢
Clouds gathering, sky changing color
Being through too many battles
Night, silent; wolves, howling; night winds, breathless
An Emperor's military feats
Domination is but a day or night away
Capriciously rout out all others will ensure invincibility
Restoring colors, the world is naturally mine to possess
Fierce winds howling, cold arrows even colder
You and I again reserving hearts, again contesting strengths

Success versus failure is also but a thin line. 
Lightning flashes again, one battle
Never seen before, holding up the bow and arrow, still smiling,
Only belatedly realizes the earth shaking changes

Clouds gathering, sky changing color
Every seconds take position on two opposing poles
Night, silent; wolves, howling; night winds, breathless
An Emperor's military feats
Domination is but a day or night away
Capriciously rout out all others will ensure invincibility
If no traces this world I singlehandedly manipulated
Fierce winds howling, cold arrows are the coldest
Who from behind stabs towards the heart, again contesting strengths
Success versus failure is also but a thin line. 
Lightning flashes again, heart trembling
Never seen before, holding up the bow and arrow, still smiling,
Only belatedly realizes the earth shaking changes

作曲:葉肇中    填詞:張美賢
雲起天變色  走過太多戰役
王者的戰績  稱霸只差旦夕
還着顏色  這世界是我天生擁有的
* 成敗也相差  一線
雷電又再閃  一戰
從未見  執起弓箭  還在笑
才發現  驚天的變遷
雲起天變色  分秒置身兩極
王者的戰績  稱霸只差旦夕
如沒痕跡  這世界是我一手操控的
刺向心  再角力
成敗也只差  一線
雷電又再閃  心顫
從未見  執起弓箭  還在笑
才發現  驚天的變遷

Credit lyrics and photos to steven ma

難怪最近肚子脹脹的,原來吞了山河進去! [哈哈] //@蓉蓉細語:聽着太豬錄《變天》,一句「這世界是我一手操控的」那氣吞山河,大地在我脚下的氣勢,剎間汹湧而至。感覺太豬己不止文韜,更具武略。武將捕捉戰機,充滿生命力的智勇,那懾人的氣魄極具光芒。首次聽曲時,已似聞「大地飛鷹」在叫鳴,吸引力

Tsuiyiyi: Listening to Steven record Changing Sky, this one line: ""This world I single-handedly manipulated" 這世界是我一手操控的; the evocation of a formidable spirit that swallows mountains and rivers as well as owns the very landmass beneath the feet surges and overwhelms in that very split second. I feel that Steven is no longer just genteel but more so, martial. A military commander seizing opportunities in battles, imbued with the vitality of bravery and astuteness. That intimidating boldness emitting brilliance. When first listened to the song, already sensed the siren cries of "flying eagles of vast land".

@steven ma: No wonder, lately my belly bulges, guess it's due to swallowing mountains and rivers. haha!"

氣吞山河= filled with a spirit that conquers mountains and rivers (whole country)

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