Tuesday, June 14, 2011

weibo 5/14 Steven/RC's bantering

 credit: @君子仇绯颜 weibo

steven 15:28:  1:0 Haha! 曹永廉Raymond I’m at the emergency room because I vomited blood from excessive laughing. I lost again ( 6/14 15:0015:10) If you want back me into a corner…fine!  I’m going to teach, and be your zai zai’s (son) class teacher!   //@曹永廉Raymond: I’m going to stalk you; I want you to withdraw from the TV circle. // @馬浚偉 : Ai, Recall it was exactly because the middle one also became a singer that so totally despairing of the music circle, I quit the music industry……..... // @曹永廉Raymond: All 3 so liang zai (handsome) …..want to puke….

TN: Steven's friendship with Raymond Cho must be very, like very very, tight, (went back all the way to their 1999 (with Lawrence Ng) JSA's interview) for his unvarnished ribbing of the latter. But then, RC gave back just as good. Close friendship notwithstanding, I disapprove of Steven's jibe at RL being a singer, just like I shook my head when I heard him said the same to RC in BOW.  Other people might take his jibe the wrong way and make an issue of it.   But I guess, ribbing of each other is part of male bonding for them? Or that they both can now look back at and pass their past experiences with ease, reminiscing and joking about : Remember when we were... or they were... or you were.. or I was..? kind of comradeship?  But still Steven should refrain from that kind of ribbing in the public.

// @馬浚偉 :唉,想當年就係因為連中間嗰個都做埋歌手,我對樂壇感到絕望,所以退出歌唱界....

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