Saturday, August 27, 2011

weibo 8/27

8/ 27  23:50 Whether it's 4th Brother or 4th Prince, aren't they all me?  Haha! I am grateful to you all for always being there for me, accompanying me all the way. To shoot a series, how much heart and effort had been put into it by the cast and crew?  Sometimes really difficult to put into words. That kind of exhaustion, that kind of pressure, often times can only let out a sigh to unwind!  In my eighteen years in TVB I have made many good friends, we have had happiness and sadness, have had blood and tears, and together we put in our all to finish a series, lots of hardships but felt the sweetness in the heart! My friends, I will treasure them all. 

四哥好,四阿哥也好,不就是我嗎?哈哈!感激你們一直陪我伴我。拍攝一部戲,台前幕後費了多少心血心力?有時真的難以言喻。那種累、那種壓力,往往只能以 嘆一口氣來舒發!在TVB十八年來認識了很多好朋友,大家有喜有悲,有血有淚,能一起拚命完成一部戲,苦雖多,卻甜在心!朋友們,我會好好珍惜的。

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